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TABLE Tournament Reports
Sat Jun 1

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There have been 90578 live tournament games recorded.
The controller for this tournament is Erik Kubon Halvorsen (but please try contacting your Assistant Controller first)

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The deadline for the Group Phase is May 13.
The top 4 in each Ph1 group advance to the next Phase
  Group/Round A - Group A - STANDINGS  
after 63 of 63 games, which is 100 %
The controller for this group is Else Kubon Halvorsen ('Elku')
Show summary of ALL groups in this competition
Pos Qual Seed Nickname Name
click to email
Location PreSPs Pld W D L P. TPs % WBQ
1st L32-1 elfborg János Fehér HUN (1775) 18 12 2 4 220.7  61% -4.5
2nd L32-15 16 shunter Simon Wright ITM shunter's AWAY: 18th-21st May 2016 GBR (1903) 18 12 0 6 212.3  59% -3.5
3rd L32-10 18 Luigi Lewis Palmer SWE (1891) 18 9 1 8 186.2  52% -1
Qual L32-5 2 colly89 Michael Collison GBR (1964) 18 8 1 9 176.1  49% 0
zzzsofi Zsófia Hegedüs HUN (1696) 18 6 2 10 161.7  45% 1.5
27 pimboli Eveline Fischer SUI (1832) 18 6 2 10 157.7  44% 2
Luvan Michael Lundquist SWE (1777) 18 6 0 12 145.3  40% 3

3 games against each opponent. WIN/LOSE is based on TP's INCLUDING time penalties.
[u] = U18, Surname known to us but withheld; PreSPs = Pre-tournament Seeding Points
Pld = games played, W = won, D = drawn, L = lost
P = Penalties and credits, for late, no-show & defaults.
TPs = tournament pts, % = Percentage of points won from games played.
WBQ = "Wins Before Qualifying", estimation of wins needed against current lowest qualifier to qualify ahead of them. Formula!
See below for a cross-table and the individual game results and schedule or
Click here to return to the home page for this tournament
Click here to email the AC for this group, Else Kubon Halvorsen ('Elku')

CROSS-TABLE - after 63 of 63 games. Scores in TP's
(blue if won or sure to win the whole mini-match, green if a draw or at least a draw)

2016 18th European Tantrix Championship - Group/Round A
Fixtures & Results
Traditional View    RECENT GAMES VIEW
Date:T1: Nickname Higher-seeded player C: TPs: Game score: TPs: C: Lower-seeded playerNickname T2: Review game
(click here to go to the reviewer)
May 3. 14 colly89 Michael Collison G 4.2 14-22 15.8 R Simon Wright ITM shunter 14 TM!colly89-14-shunter-22-2016-05-03-1855
May 3. 15 colly89 Michael Collison G 12.9 18-16 7.1 R Simon Wright ITM shunter 14 TM!colly89-18-shunter-16-2016-05-03-1927
May 3. 14 colly89 Michael Collison G 6.7 25-26 13.3 R Simon Wright ITM shunter 14 TM!shunter-26-colly89-25-2016-05-03-2001
Apr 27. 14 colly89 Michael Collison G 15.3 25-19 4.7 Y Lewis Palmer Luigi 14 T!colly89-25-Luigi-19-2016-04-27-1803
Apr 27. 12 colly89 Michael Collison G 10.0 15-15 10.0 Y Lewis Palmer Luigi 14 T!Luigi-15-colly89-15-2016-04-27-1837
Apr 27. 14 colly89 Michael Collison G 14.3 25-22 5.7 Y Lewis Palmer Luigi 12 T!colly89-25-Luigi-22-2016-04-27-1908
May 3. 14 colly89 Michael Collison G 5.0 16-21 15.0 R Eveline Fischer pimboli 8 TM!pimboli-21-colly89-16-2016-05-03-1731
May 3. 9 colly89 Michael Collison G 16.6 32-20 3.4 R Eveline Fischer pimboli 12 TM!pimboli-20-colly89-32-2016-05-03-1757
May 3. 13 colly89 Michael Collison G 15.0 19-14 5.0 R Eveline Fischer pimboli 14 TM!pimboli-14-colly89-19-2016-05-03-1821
Apr 27. 10 colly89 Michael Collison G 6.1 14-16 13.9 R Michael Lundquist Luvan 12 T!colly89-14-Luvan-16-2016-04-27-2018
Apr 27. 9 colly89 Michael Collison G 4.0 17-26 16.0 R Michael Lundquist Luvan 10 T!Luvan-26-colly89-17-2016-04-27-2044
Apr 27. 14 colly89 Michael Collison G 16.8 29-21 3.2 R Michael Lundquist Luvan 15 T!Luvan-21-colly89-29-2016-04-27-2105
May 12. 10 colly89 Michael Collison G 14.3 19-16 5.7 Y János Fehér elfborg 14 TM!elfborg-16-colly89-19-2016-05-12-1735
May 12. 14 colly89 Michael Collison G 5.7 16-19 14.3 Y János Fehér elfborg 14 TM!elfborg-19-colly89-16-2016-05-12-1802
May 12. 14 colly89 Michael Collison G 5.0 18-23 15.0 Y János Fehér elfborg 13 TM!elfborg-23-colly89-18-2016-05-12-1837
May 10. 7 colly89 Michael Collison G 6.1 20-22 13.9 Y Zsófia Hegedüs zzzsofi 14 T!zzzsofi-22-colly89-20-2016-05-10-1900
May 10. 8 colly89 Michael Collison G 13.9 16-14 6.1 Y Zsófia Hegedüs zzzsofi 12 T!zzzsofi-14-colly89-16-2016-05-10-1925
May 10. 9 colly89 Michael Collison G 4.2 18-26 15.8 Y Zsófia Hegedüs zzzsofi 12 T!colly89-18-zzzsofi-26-2016-05-10-1948
May 1. 14 shunter Simon Wright ITM R 15.0 24-19 5.0 Y Lewis Palmer Luigi 14 T!Luigi-19-shunter-24-2016-05-01-1751
May 1. 12 shunter Simon Wright ITM R 13.9 16-14 6.1 Y Lewis Palmer Luigi 14 T!shunter-16-Luigi-14-2016-05-01-1822
May 1. 12 shunter Simon Wright ITM R 6.1 18-20 13.9 Y Lewis Palmer Luigi 10 T!shunter-18-Luigi-20-2016-05-01-1852
Apr 25. 10 shunter Simon Wright ITM B 4.7 15-21 15.3 R Eveline Fischer pimboli 12 TM!pimboli-21-shunter-15-2016-04-25-1829
Apr 25. 12 shunter Simon Wright ITM B 15.3 28-22 4.7 R Eveline Fischer pimboli 14 TM!shunter-28-pimboli-22-2016-04-25-1857
Apr 25. 14 shunter Simon Wright ITM B 4.7 18-24 15.3 R Eveline Fischer pimboli 13 TM!pimboli-24-shunter-18-2016-04-25-1926
May 1. 12 shunter Simon Wright ITM B 15.0 17-12 5.0 Y Michael Lundquist Luvan 14 T!Luvan-12-shunter-17-2016-05-01-1951
May 1. 12 shunter Simon Wright ITM B 15.3 21-15 4.7 Y Michael Lundquist Luvan 12 T!Luvan-15-shunter-21-2016-05-01-2021
May 1. 14 shunter Simon Wright ITM B 3.8 12-22 16.2 Y Michael Lundquist Luvan 11 T!shunter-12-Luvan-22-2016-05-01-2049
May 8. 14 shunter Simon Wright ITM R 15.3 21-15 4.7 Y János Fehér elfborg 14 TM!shunter-21-elfborg-15-2016-05-08-1301
May 8. 10 shunter Simon Wright ITM R 13.9 16-14 6.1 Y János Fehér elfborg 13 TM!shunter-16-elfborg-14-2016-05-08-1333
May 8. 14 shunter Simon Wright ITM R 6.1 12-14 13.9 Y János Fehér elfborg 10 TM!elfborg-14-shunter-12-2016-05-08-1404
Apr 27. 11 shunter Simon Wright ITM R 14.3 21-18 5.7 Y Zsófia Hegedüs zzzsofi 13 T!shunter-21-zzzsofi-18-2016-04-27-1859
Apr 27. 13 shunter Simon Wright ITM R 16.2 25-15 3.8 Y Zsófia Hegedüs zzzsofi 12 T!zzzsofi-15-shunter-25-2016-04-27-1927
Apr 27. 10 shunter Simon Wright ITM R 16.5 21-14 3.5 Y Zsófia Hegedüs zzzsofi 15 T!zzzsofi-14-shunter-21-2016-04-27-1956
Apr 24. 12 Luigi Lewis Palmer Y 13.3 18-17 6.7 R Eveline Fischer pimboli 10 T!pimboli-17-Luigi-18-2016-04-24-1057
Apr 24. 11 Luigi Lewis Palmer Y 15.0 19-14 5.0 R Eveline Fischer pimboli 12 T!Luigi-19-pimboli-14-2016-04-24-1121
Apr 24. 11 Luigi Lewis Palmer Y 5.3 22-26 14.7 R Eveline Fischer pimboli 12 T!pimboli-26-Luigi-22-2016-04-24-1152
Apr 21. 12 Luigi Lewis Palmer Y 16.0 26-17 4.0 R Michael Lundquist Luvan 14 T!Luvan-17-Luigi-26-2016-04-21-1901
Apr 21. 13 Luigi Lewis Palmer Y 15.5 21-14 4.5 R Michael Lundquist Luvan 14 T!Luvan-14-Luigi-21-2016-04-21-1930
Apr 21. 8 Luigi Lewis Palmer Y 16.8 32-19 3.2 R Michael Lundquist Luvan 9 T!Luigi-32-Luvan-19-2016-04-21-2001
May 8. 12 Luigi Lewis Palmer B 2.7 16-32 17.3 R János Fehér elfborg 12 T!elfborg-32-Luigi-16-2016-05-08-1807
May 8. 12 Luigi Lewis Palmer B 4.5 16-23 15.5 R János Fehér elfborg 14 T!Luigi-16-elfborg-23-2016-05-08-1835
May 8. 14 Luigi Lewis Palmer B 5.7 19-22 14.3 R János Fehér elfborg 14 T!Luigi-19-elfborg-22-2016-05-08-1904
May 4. 13 Luigi Lewis Palmer R 14.7 16-12 5.3 G Zsófia Hegedüs zzzsofi 14 T!Luigi-16-zzzsofi-12-2016-05-04-1802
May 4. 12 Luigi Lewis Palmer R 16.0 22-13 4.0 G Zsófia Hegedüs zzzsofi 13 T!Luigi-22-zzzsofi-13-2016-05-04-1833
May 4. 10 Luigi Lewis Palmer R 15.3 21-15 4.7 G Zsófia Hegedüs zzzsofi 13 T!Luigi-21-zzzsofi-15-2016-05-04-1902
Apr 18. 10 pimboli Eveline Fischer R 2.8 15-30 17.2 Y Michael Lundquist Luvan 9 T!pimboli-15-Luvan-30-2016-04-18-1931
Apr 18. 17 pimboli Eveline Fischer R 1.2 14-22 18.8 Y Michael Lundquist Luvan 10 T!Luvan-22-pimboli-14-2016-04-18-1952
Apr 18. 13 pimboli Eveline Fischer R 18.2 30-15 1.8 Y Michael Lundquist Luvan 15 T!pimboli-30-Luvan-15-2016-04-18-2022
May 6. 9 pimboli Eveline Fischer R 4.2 14-22 15.8 Y János Fehér elfborg 10 TM!pimboli-14-elfborg-22-2016-05-06-1808
May 6. 14 pimboli Eveline Fischer R 5.7 25-28 14.3 Y János Fehér elfborg 10 TM!pimboli-25-elfborg-28-2016-05-06-1830
May 6. 13 pimboli Eveline Fischer R 10.0 17-17 10.0 Y János Fehér elfborg 14 TM!pimboli-17-elfborg-17-2016-05-06-1903
May 5. 11 pimboli Eveline Fischer R 10.0 19-19 10.0 Y Zsófia Hegedüs zzzsofi 14 T!zzzsofi-19-pimboli-19-2016-05-05-1129
May 5. 8 pimboli Eveline Fischer R 16.0 28-19 4.0 Y Zsófia Hegedüs zzzsofi 12 T!pimboli-28-zzzsofi-19-2016-05-05-1159
May 5. 11 pimboli Eveline Fischer R 4.5 14-21 15.5 Y Zsófia Hegedüs zzzsofi 11 T!pimboli-14-zzzsofi-21-2016-05-05-1228
May 7. 10 Luvan Michael Lundquist R 3.2 17-30 16.8 Y János Fehér elfborg 11 T!elfborg-30-Luvan-17-2016-05-07-0505
May 7. 14 Luvan Michael Lundquist R 6.7 19-20 13.3 Y János Fehér elfborg 14 T!Luvan-19-elfborg-20-2016-05-07-0531
May 7. 9 Luvan Michael Lundquist R 4.7 15-21 15.3 Y János Fehér elfborg 14 T!Luvan-15-elfborg-21-2016-05-07-0603
May 3. 14 Luvan Michael Lundquist R 3.6 19-30 16.4 Y Zsófia Hegedüs zzzsofi 13 T!Luvan-19-zzzsofi-30-2016-05-03-1902
May 3. 14 Luvan Michael Lundquist R 13.9 18-16 6.1 Y Zsófia Hegedüs zzzsofi 14 T!zzzsofi-16-Luvan-18-2016-05-03-1933
May 3. 8 Luvan Michael Lundquist R 4.7 10-16 15.3 Y Zsófia Hegedüs zzzsofi 10 T!Luvan-10-zzzsofi-16-2016-05-03-2007
May 7. 14 elfborg János Fehér R 4.5 15-22 15.5 B Zsófia Hegedüs zzzsofi 12 T!elfborg-15-zzzsofi-22-2016-05-07-0834
May 7. 14 elfborg János Fehér R 10.0 16-16 10.0 B Zsófia Hegedüs zzzsofi 11 T!zzzsofi-16-elfborg-16-2016-05-07-0903
May 7. 12 elfborg János Fehér R 13.9 19-17 6.1 B Zsófia Hegedüs zzzsofi 10 T!elfborg-19-zzzsofi-17-2016-05-07-0936

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