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TABLE Tournament Reports
Sun Jun 2

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There have been 90584 live tournament games recorded.
Entrants list by LOCATION

The 30 entrants for this tournament come from the following 8 Countries/States:

NED (16)

HUN (4)

GBR (3)

GER (2)

POL (2)

AUS (1)

ISR (1)

USA (1)

1st Colour Preference:No Pref (10) No Pref (8) No Pref (7) No Pref (4) No Pref (1)
2nd Colour Preference:No Pref (10) No Pref (9) No Pref (8) No Pref (2) No Pref (1)

Sorted by NICK

Location Seed Nick Name Town Age C1 C2 Phase 1
ELO SP's Lob. 07
AUS edw0010 David Edwards edw0010's AWAY: unknown Melton South VIC 13 B R Grp B - p1277 1090 554 L20 L20
GBR 7 olbies Oliver Hills olbies's AWAY: sunday afternoons and saturday morinings Worcester ENG 12 B Y Grp C L8 1587 1587 743 L8 L160 L16
9 Snowy Robert M [u] St Neots ENG 10 B G Grp D L8 - 1550 900 L8
10 surfforgo Steph Hills surfforgo's AWAY: 10-12 March Worcester ENG 15 Y R Grp A - 1516 1516 587 L20 L224 L20
GER 13 JOgie1846 Jonathan Schmidt Gießen 15 R Y Grp E L16 - 1192 721 L16
8 Lenchen Lena Marx Lingen 14 Y G Grp B L16 - 1556 903 L16
HUN 2 Alfie Tibor Kapu Nyíregyháza 15 B R Grp E L2 1799 1799 965 2nd L64 2nd
4 Anakonda Martin Pályi Kiss Budapest 11 R G Grp B L4 1751 1751 905 L4 L64
1 rEgA Gábor Rédei Albertirsa 15 Y G Grp A L4 1810 1810 942 3rd L128 L16
trefterke Vivien Papcsik Budapest 10 Y R Grp C L16 - 952 601 L16
ISR 6 h12 Hadas Gross Ra'anana 14 R G Grp E L8 p1767 1614 858 L8 L128
NED bjol Björn Oldenburger bjol's AWAY: 24 feb - 4 mar Almere 12 R Y Grp E L16 - 994 622 L16
14 cynthia212 Cynthia Heuvel Goes 13 B G Grp B L16 - 1118 684 L16
Dodge77 Nick V [u] Almere 12 B R Grp B - - 900 575 L25
karatekid Tristan Husmann karatekid's AWAY: 23-28 Feb, 1-4 Mar Almere 10 B Y Grp D - - 948 599 L20
kjell1984 Kjell Van Wijlandt Almere 12 G Y D/F -
3 mambo Hidde Ozinga Ter Apel 11 R G Grp C L2 1781 1781 998 1st 3rd
16 marco1004 Marco S [u] Almere 12 Y R Grp A L16 - 1096 673 L16
5 markelsa Mark Van Elsacker Almere 13 B R Grp D L16 1679 1679 915 L16 L64 L8
12 Miertje94 Mirelle Keim Goes 12 B G Grp D L8 - 1330 790 L8
mistyker Niels Hendrikx Almere 13 Y B Grp A - - 878 564 L25
newcomer Matthijs V [u] Almere 13 Y G Grp D - - 982 616 L30
robinmull Robin M [u] Almere 13 G Y Grp E - - 802 526 L30
simpson Bart Vd Kwaak Almere 12 Y R Grp C - - 834 542 L20
snuitje Deborah Husmann snuitje's AWAY: 23-28 Feb, 1-4 Mar Almere 12 R G Grp A - - 952 601 L30
15 superkid Sven Oldenburger superkid's AWAY: 24-feb - 4 mar Almere 10 R Y Grp C - - 1108 679 L25
wesking Wesley S [u] Almere 12 B R Grp E - - 954 602 L25
POL ArturP Artur Pieniazek Gdynia 11 G Y Grp C - - 1056 653 L30
11 chupacabra Ksenia M [u] chupacabra's AWAY: 10-17 Feb Warszawa 15 N N Grp A L16 - 1394 822 L16
USA nikky Alyssa C [u] Littleton CO 12 G B Grp D - - 780 515 L25

Location = Country/State and flag
Seed = Seeding number, or
- Pre comp - ? awaiting entry confirmation, Y - Entry is confirmed, *Blank* - No confirmation required
- Play in progress - LL = Lucky loser, LL? = will accept a LL spot, ? = LL invite sent)
Nick = Nickname in the Tantrix lobby
Name = Player's real name (click it to go to arranging games page for links to email) plus their tournament master title if any
- [u] = full surname has been withheld (an option offered to players aged under 18 when full surnames have been supplied to us)
AWAY DATES = Player has an AWAY date recorded. To see details click this symbol next to the name. (IE users can hover over the symbol)
Town = Town or nearest City and/or State
Age = Age on 31st Dec, 2006.
C1/C2 = First and second preference Tantrix colours
Phase 1/2/KO = The Phase 1/Phase 2/KO group the player will play in - to be added when known
Elo = Pre-tournament Elo rating (will be added after entries close if not yet shown - click on the column heading for the current rating list)
In bold if established T'>=3, G>=36, >=1 recent game; p & normal type if provisional
SP's = Seeding points = Elo rating if based on enough tournts/games, else adjusted downwards (click heading for list) sorted to 4 DP
Seeding points are based on Elo ratings but are set to 2 x lobby ranking - 250 if this is higher or if you have no Elo rating yet
N.B. For offline tournaments, the higher of online and tables SPs applies
Lob. = Lobby ranking as at the closing date for entries (click on the column heading for current rankings)
07 WJTC = Performance in this year's Championship, to be filled in later
06 WTC = Performance in last year's World Tantrix Championship
06 WJTC = Performance in this tournament last year, eg. L16 = reached last 16, A-7 = 7th in Group A; df/def = defaulted games

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