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TABLE Tournament Reports
Sat Jun 1

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There have been 90578 live tournament games recorded.
The controller for this tournament is Iris Gil (but please try contacting your Assistant Controller first)

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The Knock-Out Draw will take place in the lobby at 1930GMT Tuesday 22nd September.

Enter FANTASY TANTRIX - open to all! | Results

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The top 4 in each Ph1 group advance to the next Phase
  Group/Round 2 - STANDINGS  
after 45 of 45 games, which is 100 %
The controller for this group is Lennart Aspelin ('Pellepen')
Show summary of ALL groups in this competition
Pos Qual Seed Nickname Name
click to email
Location PreSPs Pld W D L P. TPs % WBQ
1st L64 Syagrius Vincent Auger Syagrius's AWAY: 8-17 Sep FRA (1818) 15 9 1 5 178.2  59% -3
2nd L64 Allure Karolina Zajdel POL (1787) 15 10 0 5 178.2  59% -3
3rd L64 macoy Lance Trueman NZL (1728) 15 9 1 5 167.6  56% -2
Qual L64 posi Balázs Pósfai posi's AWAY: 26-31 Aug, 1-6 Sep HUN (1809) 15 7 1 7 145.9  49% 0
pierre286 Péter Ruskó HUN (1769) 15 5 0 10 122.7  41% 2.5
richard14 Richard Knese GER (1679) 15 3 1 11 107.4  36% 4

Draw between Syagrius and Allure decided on TP's of their individual match!

3 games against each opponent. WIN/LOSE is based on TP's INCLUDING time penalties.
[u] = U18, Surname known to us but withheld; PreSPs = Pre-tournament Seeding Points
Pld = games played, W = won, D = drawn, L = lost
P = Penalties and credits, for late, no-show & defaults.
TPs = tournament pts, % = Percentage of points won from games played.
WBQ = "Wins Before Qualifying", estimation of wins needed against current lowest qualifier to qualify ahead of them. Formula!
See below for a cross-table and the individual game results and schedule or
Click here to return to the home page for this tournament
Click here to email the AC for this group, Lennart Aspelin ('Pellepen')

CROSS-TABLE - after 45 of 45 games. Scores in TP's
(blue if won or sure to win the whole mini-match, green if a draw or at least a draw)

2015 18th World Tantrix Championship - Group/Round 2
Fixtures & Results
Traditional View    RECENT GAMES VIEW
Date:T1: Nickname Higher-seeded player C: TPs: Game score: TPs: C: Lower-seeded playerNickname T2: Review game
(click here to go to the reviewer)
Aug 16. 11 Syagrius Vincent Auger G 10.0 14-14 10.0 R Balázs Pósfai posi 8 T!posi-14-Syagrius-14-2015-08-16-2005
Aug 16. 11 Syagrius Vincent Auger G 5.0 15-20 15.0 R Balázs Pósfai posi 12 T!posi-20-Syagrius-15-2015-08-16-2028
Aug 16. 13 Syagrius Vincent Auger G 15.3 28-22 4.7 R Balázs Pósfai posi 10 T!posi-22-Syagrius-28-2015-08-16-2053
Sept 20. 12 Syagrius Vincent Auger B 14.3 23-20 5.7 Y Karolina Zajdel Allure 14 T!Syagrius-23-Allure-20-2015-09-20-1923
Sept 20. 11 Syagrius Vincent Auger B 5.7 20-23 14.3 Y Karolina Zajdel Allure 12 T!Syagrius-20-Allure-23-2015-09-20-1953
Sept 20. 7 Syagrius Vincent Auger B 15.5 28-21 4.5 Y Karolina Zajdel Allure 10 T!Allure-21-Syagrius-28-2015-09-20-2020
Aug 15. 12 Syagrius Vincent Auger R 16.4 30-19 3.6 G Péter Ruskó pierre286 13 T!pierre286-19-Syagrius-30-2015-08-15-1903
Aug 15. 10 Syagrius Vincent Auger R 14.3 23-20 5.7 G Péter Ruskó pierre286 14 T!pierre286-20-Syagrius-23-2015-08-15-1931
Aug 15. 12 Syagrius Vincent Auger R 16.6 25-13 3.4 G Péter Ruskó pierre286 14 T!pierre286-13-Syagrius-25-2015-08-15-1957
Aug 17. 12 Syagrius Vincent Auger R 5.3 12-16 14.7 Y Lance Trueman macoy 7 TM!macoy-16-Syagrius-12-2015-08-17-0759
Aug 17. 14 Syagrius Vincent Auger R 6.1 15-17 13.9 Y Lance Trueman macoy 11 TM!Syagrius-15-macoy-17-2015-08-17-0822
Aug 17. 14 Syagrius Vincent Auger R 5.7 15-18 14.3 Y Lance Trueman macoy 7 TM!Syagrius-15-macoy-18-2015-08-17-0851
Aug 17. 8 Syagrius Vincent Auger Y 15.3 32-26 4.7 B Richard Knese richard14 6 T!Syagrius-32-richard14-26-2015-08-17-1755
Aug 17. 6 Syagrius Vincent Auger Y 18.8 38-12 1.2 B Richard Knese richard14 11 T!richard14-12-Syagrius-38-2015-08-17-1812
Aug 17. 11 Syagrius Vincent Auger Y 13.9 24-22 6.1 B Richard Knese richard14 13 T!richard14-22-Syagrius-24-2015-08-17-1837
Sept 20. 10 posi Balázs Pósfai R 5.7 18-21 14.3 Y Karolina Zajdel Allure 11 T!posi-18-Allure-21-2015-09-20-1817
Sept 20. 9 posi Balázs Pósfai R 14.3 16-13 5.7 Y Karolina Zajdel Allure 10 T!Allure-13-posi-16-2015-09-20-1842
Sept 20. 6 posi Balázs Pósfai R 4.2 21-29 15.8 Y Karolina Zajdel Allure 8 T!Allure-29-posi-21-2015-09-20-1903
Sept 13. 7 posi Balázs Pósfai R 17.2 27-12 2.8 G Péter Ruskó pierre286 14 T!pierre286-12-posi-27-2015-09-13-1832
Sept 13. 6 posi Balázs Pósfai R 13.9 12-10 6.1 G Péter Ruskó pierre286 14 T!posi-12-pierre286-10-2015-09-13-1857
Sept 13. 9 posi Balázs Pósfai R 14.7 22-18 5.3 G Péter Ruskó pierre286 13 T!posi-22-pierre286-18-2015-09-13-1920
Sept 12. 11 posi Balázs Pósfai R 4.5 21-28 15.5 Y Lance Trueman macoy 6 T!posi-21-macoy-28-2015-09-12-0755
Sept 12. 10 posi Balázs Pósfai R 5.0 12-17 15.0 Y Lance Trueman macoy 8 T!macoy-17-posi-12-2015-09-12-0816
Sept 12. 11 posi Balázs Pósfai R 3.2 21-34 16.8 Y Lance Trueman macoy 4 T!posi-21-macoy-34-2015-09-12-0837
Aug 18. 8 posi Balázs Pósfai R 14.3 22-19 5.7 B Richard Knese richard14 14 T!richard14-19-posi-22-2015-08-18-1900
Aug 18. 7 posi Balázs Pósfai R 13.9 18-16 6.1 B Richard Knese richard14 13 T!richard14-16-posi-18-2015-08-18-1926
Aug 18. 13 posi Balázs Pósfai R 5.3 19-23 14.7 B Richard Knese richard14 7 T!richard14-23-posi-19-2015-08-18-1950
Sept 7. 10 Allure Karolina Zajdel Y 15.8 20-12 4.2 G Péter Ruskó pierre286 14 T!pierre286-12-Allure-20-2015-09-07-2102
Sept 7. 13 Allure Karolina Zajdel Y 14.3 13-10 5.7 G Péter Ruskó pierre286 14 pierre286-10-Allure-13-2015-09-07-2130
Sept 7. 11 Allure Karolina Zajdel Y 14.7 15-11 5.3 G Péter Ruskó pierre286 14 T!Allure-15-pierre286-11-2015-09-07-2200
Sept 8. 11 Allure Karolina Zajdel R 15.0 20-15 5.0 Y Lance Trueman macoy 8 T!Allure-20-macoy-15-2015-09-08-0802
Sept 8. 7 Allure Karolina Zajdel R 15.0 17-12 5.0 Y Lance Trueman macoy 8 T!macoy-12-Allure-17-2015-09-08-0825
Sept 8. 8 Allure Karolina Zajdel R 14.7 20-16 5.3 Y Lance Trueman macoy 8 T!macoy-16-Allure-20-2015-09-08-0843
Sept 19. 14 Allure Karolina Zajdel Y 18.0 31-11 2.0 B Richard Knese richard14 7 T!Allure-31-richard14-11-2015-09-19-0710
Sept 19. 11 Allure Karolina Zajdel Y 5.7 21-24 14.3 B Richard Knese richard14 13 T!Allure-21-richard14-24-2015-09-19-0737
Sept 19. 16 Allure Karolina Zajdel Y 4.7 14-15 15.3 B Richard Knese richard14 13 T!richard14-15-Allure-14-2015-09-19-0805
Aug 29. 12 pierre286 Péter Ruskó G 5.3 14-18 14.7 Y Lance Trueman macoy 5 T!pierre286-14-macoy-18-2015-08-30-0304
Aug 29. 12 pierre286 Péter Ruskó G 15.5 19-12 4.5 Y Lance Trueman macoy 11 T!macoy-12-pierre286-19-2015-08-30-0325
Aug 29. 13 pierre286 Péter Ruskó G 16.4 26-15 3.6 Y Lance Trueman macoy 7 T!pierre286-26-macoy-15-2015-08-30-0352
Sept 7. 14 pierre286 Péter Ruskó G 15.8 25-17 4.2 B Richard Knese richard14 12 T!pierre286-25-richard14-17-2015-09-07-1905
Sept 7. 14 pierre286 Péter Ruskó G 13.3 25-24 6.7 B Richard Knese richard14 14 T!pierre286-25-richard14-24-2015-09-07-1934
Sept 7. 10 pierre286 Péter Ruskó G 14.3 22-19 5.7 B Richard Knese richard14 10 T!richard14-19-pierre286-22-2015-09-07-2006
Aug 22. 7 macoy Lance Trueman Y 10.0 21-21 10.0 B Richard Knese richard14 11 T!richard14-21-macoy-21-2015-08-22-0857
Aug 22. 5 macoy Lance Trueman Y 13.3 13-12 6.7 B Richard Knese richard14 14 T!macoy-13-richard14-12-2015-08-22-0919
Aug 22. 3 macoy Lance Trueman Y 16.0 22-13 4.0 B Richard Knese richard14 12 T!richard14-13-macoy-22-2015-08-22-0943

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