Origin Pacific World Tantrix - Game Scores & Review

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24 September - 6 October : 6 games per match : 61 TPs to win
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Key: C = Color, bold = NOT 1st choice, blank = any of the other 3 colors
  TP = Tournament points this game; T1/T2 = times in whole mins
Date: Player 1: C: TP: Game score: TP: C: Player 2: T1: T2: Review:
05-Oct-99 Zazza Y (15) 27 - 23 (05) B kingkong 8 8 Review
05-Oct-99 Zazza Y (13) 21 - 20 (07) B kingkong 10 8 Review
05-Oct-99 Zazza Y (14) 24 - 22 (06) B kingkong 8 6 Review
05-Oct-99 Zazza Y (06) 18 - 20 (14) B kingkong 4 7 Review
05-Oct-99 Zazza Y (14) 29 - 27 (06) B kingkong 5 6 Review
MATCH 5 Zazza   (62) 119 - 112 (38)   kingkong 35 35 1 h 10 m
30-Sep-99 Pepe R (14) 16 - 13 (06) G Crispy 11 10 Review
01-Oct-99 Pepe G (10) 24 - 24 (10) R Crispy 14 15 Review
01-Oct-99 Pepe R (07) 17 - 18 (13) G Crispy 9 14 Review
01-Oct-99 Pepe R (17) 26 - 12 (03) G Crispy 10 14 Review
06-Oct-99 Pepe Y (04) 22 - 31 (16) R Crispy 14 8 Review
06-Oct-99 Pepe Y (06) 18 - 20 (14) R Crispy 8 11 Review
MATCH 6 Pepe   (58) 123 - 118 (62)   Crispy 66 72 2 h 18 m
10-Oct-99 lolo R (10) 18 - 18 (10) B offpiste 7 8 Review
10-Oct-99 lolo R (04) 15 - 26 (16) B offpiste 12 9 Review
10-Oct-99 lolo R (10) 14 - 14 (10) B offpiste 14 9 Review
11-Oct-99 lolo Y (15) 31 - 25 (05) B offpiste 8 9 Review
11-Oct-99 lolo Y (15) 30 - 25 (05) B offpiste 10 8 Review
11-Oct-99 lolo Y (17) 24 - 11 (03) B offpiste 9 9 Review
MATCH 7 lolo   (71) 132 - 119 (49)   offpiste 60 52 1 h 52 m
01-Oct-99 ddyer G (07) 17 - 18 (13) B Bdot 6 12 Review
01-Oct-99 ddyer G (04) 10 - 18 (16) B Bdot 13 9 Review
01-Oct-99 ddyer G (03) 15 - 27 (17) B Bdot 15 10 Review
05-Oct-99 ddyer G (15) 15 - 10 (05) B Bdot 9 13 Review
05-Oct-99 ddyer G (04) 12 - 20 (16) B Bdot 14 8 Review
05-Oct-99 ddyer G (06) 21 - 24 (14) B Bdot 9 11 Review
MATCH 8 ddyer   (39) 90 - 117 (81)   Bdot 66 63 2 h 09 m
Last Updated on 11/10/99 [an error occurred while processing this directive]