2001 NZ Tantrix GROUP A Results

Summary Results (all groups, main table only) DEADLINE : Wed. 20 June 2001
Pos. Today Nick Name / Email Country PreElo Time Pld W. D. L. TPs %
1st ->QF1 Scarab Murray Pharaoh WEL (1800) 9 m 10 7   3 124.6 62%
2nd ->QF3 robin Robin Brown WEL (1391) 13 m 10 6   4 116.3 58%
3rd   Pekko Matt Peek AKL (1949) 6 m 10 5 1 4 109.1 55%
4th   Gizelle Giselle Clarkson WEL   5 m 10 6   4 103.9 52%
5th   Zzanga Mannuela Maiyaven PLM   8 m 10 3   7 73.9 37%
6th   Chave Lucy Chave WEL   7 m 10 2 1 7 72.2 36%
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See below for cross-table, game scores/times/review & estimated Elo ratings
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TWO games against each other player. Time = average time per game (mins)
PreElo = Pre-tournament Elo rating - in bold type if official
This group has now been completed, 1 day behind schedule
(italics if only 1 game played, bold if winner in 2-game match)
Name Country MP RB MP GC MM LC   Totals
Murray WEL - 30.2 30.8 11.4 31.5 20.7   124.6
Robin WEL 9.8 - 29.2 33.2 10.7 33.5   116.3
Matt AKL 9.2 10.8 - 37.2 28.0 23.9   109.1
Giselle WEL 28.6 6.8 2.8 - 35.9 29.6   103.9
Mannuela PLM 8.5 29.3 12.0 4.1 - 20.0   73.9
Lucy WEL 19.3 6.5 16.1 10.4 20.0 -   72.2
Key: C = Color, in bold if it is the second (or lower) preference colour; ? = any OTHER colour
  TP = Tournament points this game; T1/T2 = times in whole mins
Date: Player 1: C: TP: Game score: TP: C: Player 2: T1: T2: Review game
26-May Scarab Y (15.3) 30 - 24 (04.7) G robin 7 13 Scarab-robin-2001-05-27-0916
26-May robin G (05.0) 15 - 20 (15.0) Y Scarab 6 7 robin-Scarab-2001-05-27-0940
27-May Pekko Y (04.2) 20 - 28 (15.8) R Scarab 3 6 Pekko-Scarab-2001-05-28-1040
27-May Scarab Y (15.0) 18 - 13 (05.0) R Pekko 7 4 Pekko-Scarab-2001-05-28-1053
3-Jun Pekko Y (06.1) 23 - 25 (13.9) G robin 5 14 robin-Pekko-2001-06-03-2257
3-Jun robin G (15.3) 21 - 15 (04.7) Y Pekko 14 9 robin-Pekko-2001-06-03-2318
3-Jun robin G (05.0) 22 - 27 (15.0) B Zzanga 12 11 ZzangA-robin-2001-06-04-0209
3-Jun Zzanga B (14.3) 28 - 25 (05.7) G robin 11 13 ZzangA-robin-2001-06-04-0240
4-Jun Scarab Y (15.3) 19 - 13 (04.7) B Zzanga 7 5 zzanga-scarab-2001-06-05-0623
4-Jun Zzanga B (03.8) 10 - 20 (16.2) Y Scarab 9 7 zzanga-scarab-2001-06-05-0640
7-Jun Scarab Y (04.7) 17 - 23 (15.3) G Chave 10 14 Scarab-Chave-2001-06-08-1005
7-Jun Chave G (04.0) 16 - 25 (16.0) Y Scarab 6 10 Scarab-Chave-2001-06-08-1034
8-Jun robin B (15.0) 22 - 17 (05.0) G Chave 14 7 game saved as line not supplied
8-Jun Chave G (01.5) 22 - 46 (18.5) B robin 7 14 game saved as line not supplied
9-Jun Scarab Y (05.7) 18 - 21 (14.3) B Gizelle 11 6 Scarab-Gizelle-2001-06-10-1058
9-Jun Gizelle B (14.3) 21 - 18 (05.7) Y Scarab 6 13 Scarab-Gizelle-2001-06-10-1058
10-Jun Pekko Y (13.9) 24 - 22 (06.1) G Chave 8 8 Pekko-Chave-2001-06-11-0221
10-Jun Chave G (10.0) 15 - 15 (10.0) Y Pekko 7 5 Pekko-Chave-2001-06-11-0241
10-Jun Zzanga B (15.0) 28 - 23 (05.0) G Chave 9 9 Chave-ZzangA-2001-06-11-0257
10-Jun Chave G (15.0) 28 - 23 (05.0) B Zzanga 4 6 ZzangA-Chave-2001-06-11-1518
11-Jun Chave G (05.0) 17 - 22 (15.0) B Gizelle 6 5 Chave-Gizelle-2001-06-12-0747
11-Jun Gizelle B (14.7) 28 - 24 (05.3) G Chave 4 5 Chave-Gizelle-2001-06-12-0805
11-Jun robin G (17.2) 31 - 16 (02.8) B Gizelle 13 3 game saved as line not supplied
11-Jun Gizelle B (04.0) 21 - 30 (16.0) G robin 5 14 game saved as line not supplied
17-Jun Pekko Y (14.7) 19 - 15 (05.3) B Zzanga 8 8 Pekko-ZzangA-2001-06-18-0227
17-Jun Zzanga B (06.7) 17 - 18 (13.3) Y Pekko 8 8 ZzangA-Pekko-2001-06-18-0247
18-Jun Pekko Y (20.0) 60 - 18 (00.0) B Gizelle 3 5 Gizelle-Pekko-2001-06-19-0723
18-Jun Gizelle B (02.8) 17 - 32 (17.2) Y Pekko 6 5 Gizelle-Pekko-2001-06-19-0734
  Zzanga B (02.0) 15 - 35 (18.0) R Gizelle     DEFAULT - rule 7b - not Elo rated
  Gizelle B (18.0) 35 - 15 (02.0) R Zzanga     DEFAULT - rule 7b - not Elo rated
ELO RATINGS - final ratings for all 6 also depend on performance of winners in KO phase
For overall ratings/explanations, click here for the Tournament Elo Ratings pages
('For AOR' = pre-tournament rating if official, else estimated from games in this tournament)
Name Country Pre-Trn For AOR This tourn. games so far Overall rating*
G Elo Elo G AOR % TP Diff. Elo G Elo Chg.
Murray Pharaoh WEL 44.5 1800 1800 10 1767 62.3% 177 1944 49.0 1841 +041
Robin Brown WEL 9.0 1391 1869 10 1753 58.1% 116 1869 15.5 1713 +322
Matt Peek AKL 41.5 1949 1949 10 1737 54.6% 65 1802 43.5 1914 -035
Giselle Clarkson WEL     1698 8 1806 42.5% -108 1698 8.0 1698 NEW
Mannuela Maiyaven PLM     1715 8 1806 43.6% -91 1715 8.0 1715 NEW
Lucy Chave WEL     1605 10 1806 36.1% -201 1605 10.0 1605 NEW
(* "Overall ratings" allow for reduced weighting of NZ results in previous years)

The date and time are :

Saturday, 22-Feb-2025 21:46:04 GMT
Saturday, 22-Feb-2025 21:46:04 GMT (local)

This file was last modified on Tuesday, 21-Mar-2006 21:13:54 GMT

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