2001 NZ Tantrix GROUP C Results

Summary Results (all groups, main table only) DEADLINE : Wed. 20 June 2001
Pos. Today Nick Name / Email Country PreElo Time Pld W. D. L. TPs %
1st ->QF3 scoop Shaun Cooper AKL (1834) 9 m 8 8     124.7 78%
2nd ->QF1 Runes Phil Sneddon AKL (1930) 11 m 8 4 1 3 89.0 56%
3rd   boxer Matthew Boxer CHC (0996) 4 m 8 4   4 78.9 49%
4th   chilly Kristina Chilton HAS   7 m 8 2 1 5 61.5 38%
5th   Gsebs Gary Sebalja AKL   10 m 8   2 6 45.9 29%
6th DEFLT TheEdge Mark Armstrong CHC   7 m 4     4 18.8 24%
Mark Armstrong's results wiped from other players' records - see rule 7c
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See below for cross-table, game scores/times/review & estimated Elo ratings
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TWO games against each other player. Time = average time per game (mins)
PreElo = Pre-tournament Elo rating - in bold type if official
This group has now been completed on schedule
(italics if only 1 game played, bold if winner in 2-game match)
Name Country SC PS MB KC GS MA   Totals
Shaun AKL - 27.2 35.3 31.3 30.9 -   124.7
Phil AKL 12.8 - 20.0 30.7 25.5 -   89.0
Matthew CHC 4.7 20.0 - 21.7 32.4 -   78.9
Kristina HAS 8.7 9.3 18.3 - 25.3 -   61.5
Gary AKL 9.1 14.5 7.6 14.7 - -   45.9
Mark CHC 10.4 - - 8.5 - -   18.8
Key: C = Color, in bold if it is the second (or lower) preference colour; ? = any OTHER colour
  TP = Tournament points this game; T1/T2 = times in whole mins
Date: Player 1: C: TP: Game score: TP: C: Player 2: T1: T2: Review game
29-May scoop B (14.7) 25 - 21 (05.3) G TheEdge 12 9 scoop-TheEdge-2001-05-24-1359
29-May TheEdge G (05.0) 25 - 30 (15.0) B scoop 7 10 TheEdge-scoop-2001-05-24-1430
29-May boxer B (17.5) 28 - 11 (02.5) R chilly 2 8 boxer-chilly-2001-05-30-0748
29-May chilly R (15.8) 23 - 15 (04.2) B boxer 5 5 chilly-boxer-2001-05-30-0813
30-May chilly R (16.0) 32 - 23 (04.0) G TheEdge 6 5 TheEdge-Chilly-2001-05-24-1908
30-May TheEdge G (04.5) 25 - 32 (15.5) R chilly 5 6 TheEdge-chilly-2001-05-24-1931
31-May Runes R (14.3) 26 - 23 (05.7) Y chilly 11 5 Runes-chilly-2001-05-32-0829
31-May chilly R (03.6) 19 - 30 (16.4) Y Runes 6 9 chilly-runes-2001-05-32-0845
12-Jun scoop B (16.0) 23 - 14 (04.0) R chilly 10 6 game saved as line not supplied
12-Jun chilly R (04.7) 20 - 26 (15.3) B scoop 7 6 game saved as line not supplied
14-Jun Runes R (06.7) 13 - 14 (13.3) B scoop 14 11 game saved as line not supplied
14-Jun scoop B (13.9) 21 - 19 (06.1) R Runes 13 12 game saved as line not supplied
14-Jun scoop B (16.2) 33 - 23 (03.8) R boxer 6 6 game saved as line not supplied
14-Jun boxer B (00.9) 12 - 40 (19.1) R scoop 5 5 scoop-boxer-2001-06-15-1008
14-Jun Runes R (05.0) 33 - 38 (15.0) B boxer 9 5 Runes-boxer-2001-06-15-1025
14-Jun boxer B (05.0) 14 - 19 (15.0) R Runes 3 11 game saved as line not supplied
17-Jun chilly Y (10.0) 18 - 18 (10.0) R Gsebs 8 10 gsebs-chilly-2001-06-18-1622
17-Jun Gsebs B (04.7) 18 - 24 (15.3) R chilly 8 9 chilly-gsebs-2001-06-18-0438
19-Jun scoop B (16.6) 26 - 14 (03.4) R Gsebs 7 9 game saved as line not supplied
19-Jun Gsebs R (05.7) 17 - 20 (14.3) B scoop 14 8 game saved as line not supplied
19-Jun boxer B (16.4) 30 - 19 (03.6) R Gsebs 4 8 game saved as line not supplied
19-Jun Gsebs R (04.0) 19 - 28 (16.0) B boxer 11 4 boxer-Gsebs-2001-06-20-0945
20-Jun Runes R (15.5) 31 - 24 (04.5) B Gsebs 10 9 Gsebs-Runes-2001-06-21-0802
20-Jun Gsebs B (10.0) 17 - 17 (10.0) R Runes 10 12 Gsebs-Runes-2001-06-21-0828
ELO RATINGS - final ratings for all 6 also depend on performance of winners in KO phase
For overall ratings/explanations, click here for the Tournament Elo Ratings pages
('For AOR' = pre-tournament rating if official, else estimated from games in this tournament)
Name Country Pre-Trn For AOR This tourn. games so far Overall rating
G Elo Elo G AOR % TP Diff. Elo G Elo Chg.
Shaun Cooper AKL 18.5 1834 2176 10 1755 77.2% 421 2176 28.5 1954 +120
Phil Sneddon AKL 47.0 1930 1930 8 1862 55.7% 80 1942 47.5 1927 -003
Matthew Boxer CHC 4.0 996 1868 8 1878 49.3% -10 1868 10.0 1694 +698
Kristina Chilton HAS     1784 10 1833 46.5% -49 1784 10.0 1784 NEW
Gary Sebalja AKL     1621 8 1940 28.7% -319 1621 8.0 1621 NEW
Mark Armstrong CHC     1572 4 1980 23.5% -408 1572 4.0 1572 NEW
(* Overall ratings allow for reduced weighting of NZ results in previous years)

The date and time are :

Sunday, 23-Feb-2025 11:23:34 GMT
Sunday, 23-Feb-2025 11:23:34 GMT (local)

This file was last modified on Tuesday, 21-Mar-2006 21:14:01 GMT

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