2001 Australian Tantrix GROUP B Results

Summary Results (all groups, main table only) DEADLINE : Wed. 20 June 2001
Pos. Today Nick Name / Email State PreElo Time Pld W. D. L. TPs %
1st ->SF2 Sanabas Matt Mayoh ACT   9 m 10 8   2 132.2 66%
2nd ->SF1 Ariel Kathy Upton QLD   12 m 10 6   4 116.6 58%
3rd   AlexK2000 Alex Kowalczyk NSW (1786) 9 m 10 4 2 4 98.9 49%
4th   yoshi Josh Button NSW   7 m 10 4 2 4 95.1 48%
5th   PATISNO1 Patrick Carroll QLD (1451) 7 m 10 3   7 83.7 42%
6th   TheRat Matt Lindus W_A   6 m 10 3   7 73.6 37%
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See below for cross-table, game scores/times/review & estimated Elo ratings
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TWO games against each other player. Time = average time per game (mins)
PreElo = Pre-tournament Elo rating - in bold type if official
This group has now been completed, 1 day behind schedule
(italics if only 1 game played, bold if winner in 2-game match)
Name State MM KU AK JB PC ML   Totals
MattM ACT - 18.0 20.4 32.8 29.6 31.4   132.2
Kathy QLD 22.0 - 20.4 22.7 19.4 32.0   116.6
Alex NSW 19.6 19.6 - 20.0 19.0 20.7   98.9
Josh NSW 7.2 17.3 20.0 - 21.0 29.6   95.1
Patrick QLD 10.4 20.6 21.0 19.0 - 12.8   83.7
MattL W_A 8.6 8.0 19.3 10.4 27.2 -   73.6
Key: C = Color, in bold if it is the second (or lower) preference colour; ? = any OTHER colour
  TP = Tournament points this game; T1/T2 = times in whole mins
Date: Player 1: C: TP: Game score: TP: C: Player 2: T1: T2: Review game
25-May PATISNO1 R (04.0) 16 - 25 (16.0) B yoshi 6 8 PATISNO1-yoshi-2001-05-26-1242
25-May yoshi B (05.0) 20 - 25 (15.0) R PATISNO1 8 7 PATISNO1-yoshi-2001-05-26-1221
25-May Ariel Y (17.7) 54 - 36 (02.3) B yoshi 13 7 Ariel-yoshi-2001-05-26-1348
25-May yoshi B (15.0) 25 - 20 (05.0) Y Ariel 8 8 yoshi-Ariel-2001-05-26-1332
4-Jun Ariel Y (17.0) 31 - 17 (03.0) R Sanabas 11 9 M!Sanabas-Ariel-2030-03-18-0006
4-Jun Sanabas R (15.0) 23 - 18 (05.0) Y Ariel 10 14 M!Sanabas-Ariel-2030-03-18-0030
4-Jun Sanabas R (16.0) 24 - 15 (04.0) B yoshi 8 5 Sanabas-yoshi-2001-06-05-0912
4-Jun yoshi B (03.2) 21 - 34 (16.8) R Sanabas 8 11 Sanabas-yoshi-2001-06-05-0959
5-Jun Ariel Y (14.7) 24 - 20 (05.3) R TheRat 14 6 Ariel-TheRat-2001-06-06-1038
5-Jun Sanabas G (15.0) 19 - 14 (05.0) R TheRat 9 7 TheRat-Sanabas-2001-06-06-1346
5-Jun TheRat R (03.6) 12 - 23 (16.4) G Sanabas 5 9 Sanabas-TheRat-2001-06-06-1405
6-Jun TheRat R (02.7) 14 - 30 (17.3) Y Ariel 4 7 Ariel-TheRat-2001-06-07-0211
6-Jun PATISNO1 R (06.1) 20 - 22 (13.9) B TheRat 8 4 PATISNO1-TheRat-2001-06-07-0845
6-Jun TheRat R (13.3) 22 - 21 (06.7) G PATISNO1 7 3 PATISNO1-TheRat-2001-06-07-1017
6-Jun AlexK2000 R (10.0) 16 - 16 (10.0) B yoshi 12 9 yoshi-AlexK2000-2001-06-05-0548
6-Jun yoshi B (10.0) 24 - 24 (10.0) R AlexK2000 5 9 AlexK2000-yoshi-2001-06-05-0613
8-Jun AlexK2000 R (13.9) 22 - 20 (06.1) Y Ariel 6 12 Ariel-AlexK2000-2001-06-09-0810
8-Jun Ariel Y (14.3) 18 - 15 (05.7) R AlexK2000 14 12 AlexK2000-Ariel-2001-06-09-0829
9-Jun Sanabas R (15.3) 44 - 38 (04.7) G PATISNO1 10 10 PATISNO1-Sanabas-2001-06-10-0953
9-Jun PATISNO1 R (05.7) 13 - 16 (14.3) G Sanabas 9 9 game saved as line not supplied
12-Jun AlexK2000 R (16.2) 28 - 18 (03.8) B TheRat 8 7 AlexK2000-TheRat-2001-06-12-2359
12-Jun TheRat B (15.5) 29 - 22 (04.5) R AlexK2000 6 12 AlexK2000-TheRat-2001-06-13-1331
13-Jun AlexK2000 Y (05.7) 20 - 23 (14.3) R Sanabas 6 8 Sanabas-AlexK2000-2001-06-14-1155
13-Jun Sanabas G (06.1) 24 - 26 (13.9) R AlexK2000 8 8 game saved as line not supplied
16-Jun yoshi B (14.3) 19 - 16 (05.7) R TheRat 7 9 game saved as line not supplied
16-Jun TheRat R (04.7) 44 - 50 (15.3) B yoshi 6 6 TheRat-yoshi-2001-06-15-1103
21-Jun PATISNO1 R (06.7) 22 - 23 (13.3) Y Ariel 7 10 Ariel-PATISNO1-2001-06-22-1207
21-Jun Ariel Y (06.1) 15 - 17 (13.9) G PATISNO1 14 8 Ariel-PATISNO1-2001-06-22-1229
22-Jun AlexK2000 R (13.3) 22 - 21 (06.7) G PATISNO1 12 8 game saved as line not supplied
22-Jun PATISNO1 G (14.3) 25 - 22 (05.7) R AlexK2000 7 14 AlexK2000-PATISNO1-2001-06-23-1055
ELO RATINGS - based on previous & this tournament - treat as rough estimates
For overall ratings/explanations, click here for the Tournament Elo Ratings pages
('For AOR' = pre-tournament rating if official, else estimated from games in this tournament)
Name State Pre-Trn For AOR This tourn. games so far Overall rating
G Elo Elo G AOR % TP Diff. Elo G Elo Chg.
Matt Mayoh ACT     1898 18 1766 65.3% 222 1988 18.0 1988 NEW
Kathy Upton QLD     1780 18 1779 52.8% 40 1819 18.0 1819 NEW
Alex Kowalczyk NSW 32.0 1786 1786 10 1714 49.4% -8 1706 40.0 1749 -037
Josh Button NSW     1697 10 1732 47.6% -35 1697 10.0 1697 NEW
Patrick Carroll QLD 3.0 1451 1698 10 1746 41.9% -116 1630 13.0 1589 +138
Matt Lindus W_A     1567 10 1758 36.8% -191 1567 10.0 1567 NEW
(* Overall ratings allow for reduced weighting of results in previous years)
Please treat these estimates with extreme caution, since they are based on Alex, the only
player with an official pre-tournament Elo rating, being fixed at 1786. Ratings for this
tournament will continue to float until the end of both this tournament and the Pacific
Championship based on the performances of the qualifiers from the group.

The date and time are :

Saturday, 22-Feb-2025 21:55:50 GMT
Saturday, 22-Feb-2025 21:55:50 GMT (local)

This file was last modified on Tuesday, 21-Mar-2006 21:14:20 GMT

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