View just the draw and summary match results for Round 2
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Key: TP = Tournament points this game or for the match as a whole; C = colour; n = game not played
  T1/T2 = times taken in whole minutes rounded down - lose 1 TP per full minute over 14
Deadline is Mon. 17 September : 4 games per match : 40.1 TPs to win
Date: Player 1: C: TP: Game score: TP: C: Player 2: T1: T2: Review game:
09-Sep-01 Thylacine R (05.7) 13 - 16 (14.3) B shunter 8 8 thylacine-shunter-2001-09-10-1159
09-Sep-01 Thylacine R (15.0) 29 - 24 (05.0) B shunter 13 4 shunter-thylacine-2001-09-10-1222
09-Sep-01 Thylacine R (05.7) 14 - 17 (14.3) B shunter 8 2 thylacine-shunter-2001-09-10-1245
09-Sep-01 Thylacine R (14.7) 23 - 19 (05.3) B shunter 12 6 shunter-thylacine-2001-09-10-1258
MATCH 1 Thylacine   (41.1) 79 - 76 (38.9)   shunter 41 20 1 h 01 m
15-Sep-01 witchypoo R (05.0) 20 - 25 (15.0) Y justask 4 6 justask-witchypoo-2001-09-16-0907
15-Sep-01 witchypoo R (13.3) 24 - 23 (06.7) Y justask 9 4 witchypoo-justask-2001-09-16-0920
15-Sep-01 witchypoo R (05.0) 14 - 19 (15.0) Y justask 6 6 witchypoo-justask-2001-08-16-0935
15-Sep-01 witchypoo R (05.0) 20 - 25 (15.0) Y justask 5 6 justask-witchypoo-2001-08-16-0949
MATCH 2 witchypoo   (28.3) 78 - 92 (51.7)   justask 24 22 0 h 46 m
14-Sep-01 Pamela Y (13.3) 17 - 16 (06.7) B thb99 8 12 Pamela-thb99-2001-09-14-2234
14-Sep-01 Pamela Y (13.3) 19 - 18 (06.7) B thb99 8 14 Pamela-thb99-2001-09-14-2259
14-Sep-01 Pamela Y (13.9) 27 - 25 (06.1) B thb99 8 8 Pamela-thb99-2001-09-15-2242
15-Sep-01 Pamela Y (16.0) 26 - 17 (04.0) B thb99 4 12 Pamela-thb99-2001-09-15-2257
MATCH 3 Pamela   (56.5) 89 - 76 (23.5)   thb99 28 46 1 h 14 m
10-Sep-01 buck Y (14.7) 20 - 16 (05.3) R Zotya 11 10 Zotya-buck-2001-09-11-1052
10-Sep-01 buck Y (06.7) 19 - 20 (13.3) R Zotya 14 9 Zotya-buck-2001-09-11-1111
10-Sep-01 buck Y (14.3) 27 - 24 (05.7) R Zotya 10 8 Zotya-buck-2001-09-11-1141
10-Sep-01 buck Y (04.5) 21 - 28 (15.5) R Zotya 12 8 buck-Zotya-2001-09-11-1202
MATCH 4 buck   (40.2) 87 - 88 (39.8)   Zotya 47 35 1 h 22 m
08-Sep-01 yoshi R (16.0) 25 - 16 (04.0) B taita 7 10 yoshi-taita-2001-09-09-0348
08-Sep-01 yoshi B (04.7) 10 - 16 (15.3) G taita 5 12 yoshi-taita-2001-09-09-0337
08-Sep-01 yoshi R (06.1) 19 - 21 (13.9) B taita 9 13 taita-yoshi-2001-09-09-0436
08-Sep-01 yoshi B (02.5) 8 - 25 (17.5) G taita 9 13 yoshi-taita-2001-09-09-0543
MATCH 5 yoshi   (29.3) 62 - 78 (50.7)   taita 30 48 1 h 18 m
18-Sep-01 mazzer G (04.5) 14 - 21 (15.5) B ramon 14 11 ramon-mazzer-2001-09-19-1112
18-Sep-01 mazzer G (06.7) 28 - 29 (13.3) B ramon 14 14 mazzer-ramon-2001-09-19-1042
18-Sep-01 mazzer G (14.3) 28 - 25 (05.7) B ramon 13 12 ramon-mazzer-2001-09-19-1220
18-Sep-01 mazzer G (16.6) 21 - 9 (03.4) B ramon 14 14 ramon-mazzer-2001-09-19-1259
MATCH 6 mazzer   (42.1) 91 - 84 (37.9)   ramon 55 51 1 h 46 m
10-Sep-01 Abyss B (15.5) 21 - 14 (04.5) R Ioiad 5 9 Ioiad-abyss-2001-09-11-1820
10-Sep-01 Abyss B (04.5) 17 - 24 (15.5) R Ioiad 9 7 abyss-Ioiad-2001-09-11-1839
10-Sep-01 Abyss B (10.0) 21 - 21 (10.0) R Ioiad 10 5 Ioiad-abyss-2001-09-11-1900
10-Sep-01 Abyss B (14.0) 26 - 21 (06.0) R Ioiad 15 14 Ioiad-abyss-2001-09-11-1939
MATCH 7 Abyss   (44.0) 85 - 80 (36.0)   Ioiad 39 35 1 h 14 m
10-Sep-01 MarcAB B (13.9) 21 - 19 (06.1) G postman 5 3 MarcAB-postman-2001-09-11-0536
10-Sep-01 MarcAB G (17.0) 32 - 18 (03.0) B postman 4 3 'game saved as' line not supplied
10-Sep-01 MarcAB B (14.7) 22 - 18 (05.3) G postman 5 2 MarcAB-postman-2001-09-11-0600
  MarcAB   (00.0)   n   (00.0)   postman     not played
MATCH 8 MarcAB   (45.6) 75 - 55 (14.4)   postman 14 8 0 h 22 m
10-Sep-01 chilly R (13.9) 22 - 20 (06.1) B blob 5 10 blob-chilly-2001-09-11-2058
10-Sep-01 chilly R (13.3) 24 - 23 (06.7) B blob 4 8 chilly-blob-2001-09-11-2118
10-Sep-01 chilly R (06.1) 20 - 22 (13.9) B blob 6 8 chilly-blob-2001-09-11-2244
10-Sep-01 chilly R (05.0) 18 - 23 (15.0) B blob 3 5 chilly-blob-2001-09-11-2301
MATCH 9 chilly   (38.3) 84 - 88 (41.7)   blob 18 31 0 h 49 m
10-Sep-01 samdarshi Y (18.1) 36 - 15 (01.9) G Damon 5 14 'game saved as' line not supplied
10-Sep-01 samdarshi Y (03.4) 22 - 34 (16.6) G Damon 10 8 samdarshi-Damon-2001-09-11-1138
11-Sep-01 samdarshi Y (05.3) 16 - 20 (14.7) G Damon 13 13 samdarshi-Damon-2001-09-12-1057
11-Sep-01 samdarshi Y (02.8) 20 - 35 (17.2) G Damon 9 7 Damon-samdarshi-2001-09-12-1137
(samdarshi suggests that game 1 is worth reviewing but did not supply the necessary details)
MATCH 10 samdarshi   (29.6) 94 - 104 (50.4)   Damon 37 42 1 h 19 m
09-Sep-01 YanM G (05.7) 20 - 23 (14.3) R pusi 5 8 pusi-yanm-2001-09-10-2102
09-Sep-01 YanM G (15.8) 17 - 9 (04.2) R pusi 7 13 yanm-pusi-2001-09-10-2121
09-Sep-01 YanM G (14.3) 16 - 13 (05.7) R pusi 5 11 yanm-pusi-2001-09-10-2150
09-Sep-01 YanM G (14.7) 16 - 12 (05.3) R pusi 9 13 yanm-pusi-2001-09-10-2209
(pusi suggests that game 1 is worth reviewing)
MATCH 11 YanM   (50.5) 69 - 57 (29.5)   pusi 26 45 1 h 11 m
01-Sep-01 nealbolton Y (05.7) 26 - 29 (14.3) G robin 8 11 nealbolton-robin-2001-09-02-0020
01-Sep-01 nealbolton Y (10.0) 18 - 18 (10.0) G robin 14 11 robin-nealbolton-2001-09-02-0050
01-Sep-01 nealbolton Y (15.3) 16 - 13 (04.7) G robin 8 15 nealbolton-robin-2001-09-02-0125
01-Sep-01 nealbolton Y (13.9) 21 - 19 (06.1) G robin 12 9 robin-nealbolton-2001-09-02-0155
MATCH 12 nealbolton   (44.9) 81 - 79 (35.1)   robin 42 46 1 h 28 m
05-Sep-01 fraufuchs Y (14.7) 18 - 14 (05.3) G ssbsracer 4 12 M!fraufuchs-ssbsracer-2001-09-06-1303
05-Sep-01 fraufuchs Y (15.5) 23 - 16 (04.5) G ssbsracer 8 13 M!ssbsracer-fraufuchs-2001-09-06-1326
05-Sep-01 fraufuchs Y (05.3) 16 - 20 (14.7) G ssbsracer 5 13 M!ssbsracer-fraufuchs-2001-09-06-1349
05-Sep-01 fraufuchs Y (17.0) 27 - 13 (03.0) G ssbsracer 6 10 M!fraufuchs-ssbsracer-2001-09-06-1410
MATCH 13 fraufuchs   (52.5) 84 - 63 (27.5)   ssbsracer 23 48 1 h 11 m
16-Sep-01 JimT G (15.8) 23 - 15 (04.2) B crusty 7 8 crusty-JimT-2001-09-17-2038
16-Sep-01 JimT G (16.4) 27 - 16 (03.6) B crusty 6 5 crusty-JimT-2001-09-17-2056
16-Sep-01 JimT G (06.7) 16 - 17 (13.3) B crusty 7 8 JimT-crusty-2001-09-17-2006
16-Sep-01 JimT G (00.9) 26 - 54 (19.1) B crusty 8 5 JimT-crusty-2001-09-17-2033
(JimT suggests that the games are worth reviewing - especially game 4 I'd say!)
MATCH 14 JimT   (39.8) 92 - 102 (40.2)   crusty 28 26 0 h 54 m
12-Sep-01 Ariel Y (16.0) 29 - 20 (04.0) G ShadowWolf 8 11 Ariel-Shadowwolf-2001-09-13-1222
12-Sep-01 Ariel Y (16.2) 30 - 20 (03.8) G ShadowWolf 12 12 Shadowwolf-Ariel-2001-09-13-1226
12-Sep-01 Ariel Y (14.7) 22 - 18 (05.3) G ShadowWolf 14 10 Shadowwolf-Ariel-2001-09-13-1302
12-Sep-01 Ariel Y (16.6) 25 - 13 (03.4) G ShadowWolf 13 12 Shadowwolf-Ariel-2001-09-13-1323
MATCH 15 Ariel   (63.5) 106 - 71 (16.5)   ShadowWolf 47 45 1 h 32 m
08-Sep-01 Bell R (17.3) 36 - 20 (02.7) Y TedEBare 7 4 TedEBare-Bell-2001-09-09-0810
08-Sep-01 Bell R (10.0) 16 - 16 (10.0) Y TedEBare 8 4 TedEBare-Bell-2001-09-09-0839
08-Sep-01 Bell R (15.8) 26 - 18 (04.2) Y TedEBare 7 2 TedEBare-Bell-2001-09-09-0855
08-Sep-01 Bell R (00.0)   n   (00.0) Y TedEBare     not played
(TedEBare suggests that games 1 and 3 are worth reviewing)
MATCH 16 Bell   (43.1) 78 - 54 (16.9)   TedEBare 22 10 0 h 32 m
View just the draw and summary match results for Round 2
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The date and time are :

Sunday, 23-Feb-2025 11:45:25 GMT
Sunday, 23-Feb-2025 11:45:25 GMT (local)

This file was last modified on Tuesday, 21-Mar-2006 21:14:58 GMT

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