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TABLE Tournament Reports
Fri May 17

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There have been 90459 live tournament games recorded.
Arranging Games

Time zone conversion chart for:
late March to end of October | November to late March.

The list below is arranged in ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY TANTRIX NICKNAME - for an explanation of each column see bottom of page.
Please contact your opponent(s) (clicking on their real name should start an email to them or just hold your mouse over their real name and you will see their email address near the bottom left corner of your screen) and offer possible times taking into account their time preferences, if any. COPY IN YOUR AC please! If you are in different Zones, it is best to offer times in GMT using the time zone conversion table - see the link at the top of the page.

Check their colour preferences too - if you have the same first preferences, agree whether you will use second choice colours for the whole match or whether you will each use your first preference for about half of the games - see rule 5 for full details

GMT GMT Preferences
Nick Name Location Age C1 C2 Phase 1
AC Zone +/- Until Then T1 T2 T3 Unavailable
Aapa Bőhl Ervin HUN 47 R B Grp F pepe
Aata Bőhl Attila HUN 21 N N Grp F pepe
Alfie Kapu Tibor HUN 14 N N Grp B pepe
Anakonda Martin Pályi Kiss HUN 10 R G Grp E pepe
blick Mikulán Attila HUN 17 B N Grp G pepe
boszi4 Eszter Rajki HUN 22 G Y Grp A pepe
csipet Péter Gyócsi HUN 21 Y N Grp E pepe
Csopi Csabai KrisztinaCsopi's NOTES: délután vagy hétvégén szeretnék játszani
HUN 38 Y N Grp A pepe
csorvi Csorvási Ágnes HUN 17 B R Grp E pepe
cyberpop Papp Dénes HUN 48 G B Grp C pepe
dunadan Koppany Nagy HUN 24 R N Grp G pepe
egmaria Maria Erdey-Grúzegmaria's AWAY: Jan 26-29 (GO) HUN 27 Y B Grp G pepe Jan 26-29 (GO)
elfborg Janos Feher HUN 31 Y R Grp D pepe
Frodo Gyócsy Géza HUN 50 Y R Grp E pepe
gulu László König HUN 42 R B Grp C pepe
Hegeagi Ágnes Hegedűs HUN 34 R Y Grp A pepe
ILLES Illés Gábor Matócsi HUN 36 N N Grp G pepe
Jody Joli Divós HUN 20 Y R Grp H pepe
Judit31 Pap Judit HUN 35 G Y Grp A pepe
kissali Salát Zsófiakissali's AWAY: 01.28.-02-04. HUN 15 R Y Grp H pepe 01.28.-02-04.
Lancelot Richard Kecse NagyLancelot's NOTES: CET+6 ora
HUN 36 N N Grp G pepe -6
leslie László Harsányi HUN 42 B R Grp F pepe
mamo Márta Keller HUN 41 Y B Grp B pepe
micimacko Aniko Kecse Nagymicimacko's NOTES: CET-6 ora
micimacko's AWAY: nincs HUN 36 G R Grp H pepe nincs
mikellos Miklos Hansel HUN 36 R B Grp D pepe
mizo Péter Kovács HUN 18 G N Grp B pepe
Multy Ákos Mult HUN 14 G R Grp C pepe
NetC Csaba Németh HUN 28 G Y Grp F pepe
ogrepapa Tamás Pályi Kiss HUN 36 N N Grp D pepe
padam Ádám Petrecz HUN 13 B Y Grp C pepe
rega Rédei Gábor HUN 14 Y G Grp C pepe
Sirpi László SzobonyaSirpi's AWAY: jan 27-30 (German Open) HUN 28 R N Grp E pepe jan 27-30 (German Open)
sutyi Sutyinszki Andrássutyi's NOTES: szeretem a mogyorós csokit 8-)
HUN 30 B N Grp F pepe
Szasza2 Anita Pályiné Szabó HUN 31 N N Grp B pepe
Tigrincs Papacsek Balázs HUN 26 R B Grp B pepe
tolyas Chikán Gábor HUN 30 G Y Grp D pepe
tommG Gombkötő Tamás HUN 17 G Y Grp A pepe
Tunde Tünde Barabásné Tóth HUN 35 Y B Grp D pepe
Zormac Zoltán NémethZormac's AWAY: German Open: Jan 27-30 HUN 28 R G Grp H pepe German Open: Jan 27-30
zumimaci Béla Illanicz HUN 39 N N Grp H pepe

Nick = Nickname in the Tantrix lobby
Name = Player's real name (click it to start an email with their address in the "To" field) plus their tournament master title if any
- to check the email address, please put your mouse cursor on the name and look at the bottom left of your screen
- [u] = full surname has been withheld (an option offered to players aged under 18 when full surnames have been supplied to us)
Location = Country/State and flag
Zone = the player's time zone - these codes are used on the time zone conversion table
C1/C2 = first and second preference Tantrix colours
GMT Now = hours ahead of GMT before the "Until" date - to add, correct or change please go to
Until = hours ahead of GMT after the "Until" date
T1, T2, T3 = time preferences - to add, correct or change please go to
- W = Weekends,
- A = 2200-0400GMT,
- B = 0400-1000GMT,
- C = 1000-1600GMT,
- D = 1600-2200GMT
Unavailable = Dates this player will be away

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