2001 European Tantrix GROUP C Results

When looking at the Elo rating calculation at the bottom of this page, please note that the second qualifier did not have an official rating before the start of the tournament, their 'for AOR' ratings will continue to float while they play in the knockout, which means that the ratings of all six players in this group are likely to see further significant changes.
Summary Results (all groups, main table only) DEADLINE : Friday 25 May 2001
Daily Reports Submit a new result
Pos. Today Nick Name / Email Country PreElo Time Pld W. D. L. TPs %
1st ->QF3 Pepe Péter Petrecz HUN (1895) 9 m 12 9   3 155.6 65%
2nd ->QF1 Jaco Jacq.-Ol. Haenni SUI   10 m 12 7 1 4 139.5 58%
3rd   Shunter Simon Wright GBR   4 m 12 6 2 4 132.8 55%
4th   banhazi Banhazi Matyas HUN   8 m 12 6 1 5 131.2 55%
5th   Leslie Laszlo Harsanyi HUN (1804) 10 m 12 3 3 6 100.2 42%
6th   ramon Raym. Hemmecke GER (1791) 8 m 12 4   8 94.8 40%
7th   MarcAB Marc Abramson FRA   8 m 12 3 1 8 85.8 36%
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See below for cross-table, game scores/times/review & estimated Elo ratings
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TWO games against each other player. Time = average time per game (mins)
PreElo = Pre-tournament Elo rating - in bold type if official
This group has now been completed, 3 days behind schedule
(italics if only 1 game played, bold if winner in 2-game match)
Name Country PP JH SW BM LH RH MA Totals
Péter HUN - 18.5 31.0 20.3 23.1 29.3 33.4 155.6
Jac.-Ol. SUI 21.5 - 25.3 19.1 21.9 31.0 20.7 139.5
Simon GBR 9.0 14.7 - 20.0 25.3 31.5 32.3 132.8
Banhazi HUN 19.7 20.9 20.0 - 26.2 11.8 32.6 131.2
Laszlo HUN 16.9 18.1 14.7 13.8 - 20.0 16.7 100.2
Raym. GER 10.7 9.0 8.5 28.2 20.0 - 18.5 94.8
Marc FRA 6.6 19.3 7.7 7.4 23.3 21.5 - 85.8
Key: C = Color, in bold if it is the second (or lower) preference colour; ? = any OTHER colour
  TP = Tournament points this game; T1/T2 = times in whole mins
Date: Player 1: C: TP: Game score: TP: C: Player 2: T1: T2: Review game
25-Apr ramon B (13.9) 15 - 13 (06.1) R banhazi 11 9 ramon-banhazi-2001-04-26-1131
25-Apr banhazi R (05.7) 18 - 21 (14.3) B ramon 9 10 banhazi-ramon-2001-04-26-1204
30-Apr Pepe R (17.0) 25 - 11 (03.0) G MarcAB 8 12 pepe-MarcAB-2001-04-31-1926
30-Apr Pepe R (15.0) 21 - 16 (05.0) B Shunter 9 5 shunter-pepe-2001-04-31-1941
30-Apr MarcAB B (03.2) 17 - 30 (16.8) G Shunter 7 5 shunter-MarcAB-2001-04-31-2007
2-May banhazi R (15.0) 20 - 15 (05.0) G MarcAB 9 10 banhazi-MarcAB-2001-05-03-1959
5-May ramon B (04.2) 13 - 21 (15.8) Y Jaco 14 12 Jaco-ramon-2001-05-06-1403
5-May Jaco Y (15.3) 20 - 14 (04.7) B ramon 9 6 Jaco-ramon-2001-05-06-1437
6-May Leslie B (04.7) 16 - 22 (15.3) G Shunter 9 3 shunter-leslie-2001-05-07-1702
6-May Shunter G (10.0) 18 - 18 (10.0) B Leslie 6 9 leslie-shunter-2001-05-07-1717
6-May Shunter G (04.0) 12 - 21 (16.0) R Pepe 5 7 shunter-pepe-2001-05-07-1734
6-May ramon B (03.8) 28 - 38 (16.2) G MarcAB 6 3 ramon-MarcAB-2001-05-07-1757
6-May MarcAB G (05.3) 24 - 28 (14.7) B ramon 5 6 MarcAB-ramon-2001-05-07-1812
6-May MarcAB G (03.6) 15 - 26 (16.4) R Pepe 7 8 pepe-MarcAB-2001-05-07-1842
6-May Shunter G (15.5) 28 - 21 (04.5) B MarcAB 4 7 shunter-MarcAB-2001-05-07-1903
7-May ramon B (02.8) 11 - 26 (17.2) G Shunter 7 2 shunter-ramon-2001-05-08-0816
7-May Leslie B (02.3) 14 - 32 (17.7) Y Jaco 8 10 Jaco-leslie-2001-05-08-1628
9-May Leslie B (10.0) 9 - 9 (10.0) G MarcAB 14 10 MarcAB-leslie-2001-05-10-1850
9-May MarcAB G (13.3) 17 - 16 (06.7) B Leslie 7 9 MarcAB-leslie-2001-05-10-1917
9-May MarcAB G (02.3) 10 - 28 (17.7) R banhazi 6 3 banhazi-MarcAB-2001-05-10-1936
10-May Pepe R (14.3) 20 - 17 (05.7) Y Jaco 6 12 Jaco-pepe-2001-05-11-1722
10-May Jaco Y (15.8) 35 - 27 (04.2) R Pepe 12 7 pepe-Jaco-2001-05-11-1742
10-May Jaco Y (04.5) 23 - 30 (15.5) G MarcAB 14 12 marcab-Jaco-2001-05-11-1807
15-May Jaco Y (04.2) 23 - 31 (15.8) B Leslie 14 10 Jaco-leslie-2001-05-16-1532
16-May Pepe R (06.7) 21 - 22 (13.3) B Leslie 9 12 pepe-leslie-2001-05-17-1855
16-May Leslie B (03.6) 10 - 21 (16.4) R Pepe 9 8 leslie-pepe-2001-05-17-1918
21-May banhazi R (15.5) 26 - 19 (04.5) Y Jaco 5 9 banhazi-Jaco-2001-05-22-1609
21-May Jaco Y (14.7) 20 - 16 (05.3) R banhazi 9 8 banhazi-Jaco-2001-05-22-1625
22-May Leslie B (10.0) 25 - 25 (10.0) R banhazi 9 5 Banhazi-leslie-2001-05-23-1844
22-May banhazi R (16.2) 30 - 20 (03.8) B Leslie 10 11 Banhazi-leslie-2001-05-23-1900
24-May Pepe Y (14.3) 20 - 17 (05.7) R banhazi 6 8 banhazi-pepe-2001-05-25-0847
24-May banhazi G (14.0) 22 - 17 (06.0) R Pepe 15 11 banhazi-pepe-2001-05-25-0911
24-May Leslie B (16.0) 29 - 20 (04.0) R ramon 9 6 ramon-leslie-2001-05-25-1817
24-May ramon R (16.0) 29 - 20 (04.0) B Leslie 6 12 ramon-leslie-2001-05-25-1834
24-May Pepe R (15.0) 16 - 11 (05.0) B ramon 7 6 pepe-ramon-2001-05-25-1855
24-May ramon B (05.7) 17 - 20 (14.3) R Pepe 6 7 pepe-ramon-2001-05-25-1912
26-May banhazi R (05.7) 21 - 24 (14.3) G Shunter 9 3 banhazi-shunter-2001-05-27-1317
26-May Shunter G (05.7) 21 - 24 (14.3) R banhazi 2 7 shunter-banhazi-2001-05-27-1333
27-May Shunter G (14.3) 24 - 21 (05.7) B ramon 2 6 shunter-ramon-2001-05-28-1358
28-May Jaco Y (10.0) 28 - 28 (10.0) G Shunter 9 2 shunter-Jaco-2001-05-29-1047
28-May Shunter G (04.7) 19 - 25 (15.3) Y Jaco 4 11 Jaco-shunter-2001-05-29-1104
28-May MarcAB G (03.8) 13 - 23 (16.2) Y Jaco 13 13 Jaco-marcab-2001-05-29-1138
ELO RATINGS - final ratings for ALL 6 also depend performance of Jaco in KO
For overall ratings/explanations, click here for the Tournament Elo Ratings pages
('For AOR' = pre-tournament rating if official, else estimated from games in this tournament)
Name Country Pre-Trn For AOR This tourn. games so far Overall rating*
G Elo Elo G AOR % TP Diff. Elo G Elo Chg.
Péter Petrecz HUN 61.5 1895 1895 12 1793 64.8% 216 2009 59.5 1911 +016
Jacq.-Ol. Haenni SUI     1907 12 1791 58.1% 116 1907 12.0 1907 NEW
Simon Wright GBR     1873 12 1797 55.3% 76 1873 12.0 1873 NEW
Banhazi Matyas HUN     1864 12 1798 54.7% 66 1864 12.0 1864 NEW
Laszlo Harsanyi HUN 44.5 1804 1804 12 1808 41.8% -118 1690 40.5 1788 -016
Raym. Hemmecke GER 18.5 1791 1679 12 1829 39.5% -150 1679 30.5 1747 -044
Marc Abramson FRA     1631 12 1837 35.8% -206 1631 12.0 1631 NEW
(* "Overall ratings" allow for reduced weighting of European results in previous years)

The date and time are :

Sunday, 23-Feb-2025 12:05:12 GMT
Sunday, 23-Feb-2025 12:05:12 GMT (local)

This file was last modified on Tuesday, 21-Mar-2006 21:13:40 GMT

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