Fantasy Tantrix - Entrants & Scores

The final Fantasy Tantrix results are shown in the table below. The winner depended on the final match to be played, the main draw 3rd place playoff. Ponder from New Zealand jumped up into first place for the first time at just the right time, with 48 points and wins the Tantrix CD.

Pfire, who also picked Ridcully and Pekko, came 2nd with 47 on tiebreak from long-time leader AlexK in 3rd. VBMAN, who was the only player to pick the overall winner, Zazza, finished 5th. Strangely, in a competition where players were not allowed to pick themselves, the top 3 in the WTC were also in the top 7 in this competition - and 3 of the top 10 are Kowalczyks!

The unpredictability of the results in the later rounds is reflected by the fact that no one is even close to the maximum possible score.

Mighty was the most popular pick of all the players and clearly lots of people knew something I didn't, because he became the only unseeded player to reach Round 3 and there, in the biggest upset win ever, he beat no. 1 seed mikem to become the first player to reach the quarter-finals. His run then ended though, exams keeping him out of the 5th place playoffs.

The best-placed late entrant was Aussie in 21st.

**** View the Results after Main Draw Round 3 / Plate Round 2 matches only ****
Return to the main World Tantrix Championship page
Retourner à la page d'acceuil du Championnat Mondial de Tantrix
Pos Entrant E Tot. PDB pick1 pt pick2 pt pick3 pt pick4 pt pick5 pt pick6 pt pick7 pt pick8 pt pick9 pt
- Max. (0) 73 6 zazza 15 crispy 4 ridcly 14 ddyer 6 Pekko 11 Tonto 6 marina 2 mighty 6 Pfire 3
- World (0) 41 6 Bdot 4 jzyhk 1 Pepe 7 runes 4 lolo 8 Joche 0 marina 2 mighty 6 Pfire 3
1st Ponder (17) 48 6 Bdot 4 jzyhk 1 ridcly 14 runes 4 Pekko 11 Joche 0 mlnda 0 mighty 6 caotk 2
2nd Pfire (6) 47 6 alexk 2 IrcM 1 ridcly 14 ddyer 6 Pekko 11 Joche 0 pand. 1 mighty 6 chste 0
3rd AlexK (13) 47 6 Bdot 4 jzyhk 1 Pepe 7 runes 4 lolo 8 Tonto 6 marina 2 mighty 6 Pfire 3
4th Ridcully (1) 46 6 Bdot 4 jzyhk 1 Pepe 7 runes 4 Pekko 11 regit 2 ponder 2 mighty 6 Pfire 3
5th VBMAN (7) 45 6 zazza 15 crispy 4 steven 6 woody 3 justin 9 aussie 2 olivier 0 golden 0 j/ask 0
6th Pekko (22) 45 6 mike 4 crispy 4 Pepe 7 woody 3 scoop 6 kingk 4 marina 2 mighty 6 Pfire 3
7th Zazza (12) 44 6 Bdot 4 papln 2 Pepe 7 ddyer 6 lolo 8 Joche 0 ponder 2 mighty 6 Pfire 3
8th Justin (15) 44 6 mike 4 jzyhk 1 steven 6 ddyer 6 Pekko 11 regit 2 marina 2 mighty 6 mtmn 0
9th scoop (20) 43 6 Bdot 4 papln 2 Pepe 7 runes 4 leslie 9 kingk 4 pand. 1 mighty 6 chste 0
10th alphabet (11) 42 6 alexk 2 jzyhk 1 Pepe 7 runes 4 lolo 8 Tonto 6 marina 2 mighty 6 jaak. 0
11th Mighty (18) 42 6 alexk 2 papln 2 Pepe 7 runes 4 Pekko 11 kingk 4 ponder 2 Katse 1 Pfire 3
12th Runes (4) 41 6 mike 4 papln 2 Pepe 7 ddyer 6 scoop 6 Joche 0 ponder 2 mighty 6 caotk 2
13th JustAsk (10) 41 6 alexk 2 papln 2 ridcly 14 ddyer 6 scarab 5 iznog. 4 pand. 1 Dide 0 darrn 1
14th Pepe (19) 40 6 Bdot 4 papln 2 steven 6 runes 4 scarab 5 iznog. 4 mlnda 0 mighty 6 Pfire 3
15th mikem (2) 39 6 Bdot 4 papln 2 steven 6 runes 4 lolo 8 kingk 4 pand. 1 Katse 1 Pfire 3
16th regit (5) 38 6 mike 4 jzyhk 1 Pepe 7 ddyer 6 lolo 8 xavier 3 mlnda 0 Cindy 2 darrn 1
17th Bdot (16) 38 6 mike 4 papln 2 Pepe 7 runes 4 lolo 8 iznog. 4 ponder 2 Katse 1 jaak. 0
18th JimT (14) 35 6 Bdot 4 papln 2 steven 6 ddyer 6 offpis. 4 xavier 3 marina 2 Cindy 2 mtmn 0
19th steven2 (9) 34 6 mike 4 crispy 4 Tell 4 runes 4 lolo 8 regit 2 Jean 1 Katse 1 jaak. 0
20th Pandora (21) 34 6 alexk 2 jzyhk 1 Pepe 7 ddyer 6 scoop 6 aussie 2 marina 2 Dide 0 caotk 2
21st Aussie (28) 34 0 mike 4 jzyhk 1 ridcly 12 runes 2 Pekko 9 Joche 0 Dove 1 mighty 4 Pfire 1
22nd jade (23) 33 6 Bdot 4 jzyhk 1 steven 6 runes 4 justin 9 regit 2 olivier 0 Katse 1 jaak. 0
23rd jaakkola (24) 33 0 alexk 2 papln 2 steven 6 runes 4 lolo 8 aussie 2 Jean 1 mighty 6 caotk 2
24th Ravnos (26) 33 0 alexk 2 crispy 4 ridcly 14 woody 3 scoop 6 xavier 3 pand. 1 Cawte 0 jaak. 0
25th Kasia (31) 33 0 Bdot 4 IrcM 1 steven 6 ddyer 6 leslie 9 xavier 1 marina 2 mighty 4 jaak. 0
26th Tonto (25) 31 0 Bdot 4 IrcM 1 Pepe 7 ddyer 6 scarab 5 aussie 2 mlnda 0 mighty 6 j/ask 0
27th didi (30) 31 0 mike 4 papln 2 steven 6 ddyer 6 leslie 9 Joche 0 Dove 1 Cindy 2 darrn 1
28th leslie (8) 29 6 alexk 2 jzyhk 1 Pepe 7 JimT 2 lolo 8 aussie 2 Jean 1 glea 0 j/ask 0
29th xavier (27) 28 0 alexk 2 jzyhk 1 steven 6 runes 2 Pekko 9 regit 2 marina 2 mighty 4 jaak. 0
30th Tell (3) 27 6 Bdot 4 papln 2 steven 6 woody 3 scoop 6 Joche 0 olivier 0 Dide 0 jaak. 0
31st Scarab (32) 27 0 Bdot 4 jzyhk 1 steven 6 runes 2 scoop 6 iznog. 2 marina 2 mighty 4 j/ask 0
32nd papillon (29) 25 0 Bdot 4 IrcM 1 steven 6 ddyer 6 lolo 6 Joche 0 Dove 1 Katse 1 j/ask 0
33rd jzyhk (33) 25 0 alexk 2 crispy 4 Pepe 5 runes 2 justin 5 aussie 0 marina 2 mighty 4 Pfire 1
34th hana (34) 0 0 Bdot 0 jzyhk 0 ridcly 0 woody 0 ChBen 0 xavier 0 Dove 0 Katse 0 jaak. 0
Scores - 2 for main draw match win + 1 for Plate match win + bonuses for 1st-3rd overall & Plate/5th winners - see the entry page
E = Entrant Order (used to break ties)
PDB = 6 point bonus if entry sent in before the draw - to compensate for people entering later having a lot more information
The "World" entrant is a list of the most popular picks - the one with the highest seeding points if two players are equally popular
Players in each category and their SCORES
  mike 4 crispy 4 Pepe 7 runes 4 scoop 6 regit 2 marina 2 mighty 6 darrn 1
Bdot 4 IrcM 1 steven 6 JimT 2 justin 9 Joche 0 olivier 0 Cindy 2 Pfire 3
alexk 2 jzyhk 1 Tell 4 woody 3 leslie 9 iznog. 4 Jean 1 Cawte 0 Ravnos 1
zazza 15 papln 2 ridcly 14 ddyer 6 Pekko 11 xavier 3 Dove 1 glea 0 j/ask 0
  lolo 8 frauf. 0 ponder 2 Katse 1 jaak. 0
ChBen 1 kingk 4 pand. 1 vbman 0 caotk 2
offpis. 4 aussie 2 mlnda 0 Dide 0 mtmn 0
scarab 5 Tonto 6 quicky 0 golden 0 chste 0
Averages : 1-4 6 5-8 2 9-12 8 13-16 4 17-24 7 25-32 3 33-40 1 41-48 1 49-56 1
Players in each category and their POPULARITY
  mike 8 crispy 5 Pepe 14 runes 16 scoop 6 regit 5 marina 10 mighty 18 darrn 3
Bdot 15 IrcM 4 steven 13 JimT 1 justin 3 Joche 8 olivier 3 Cindy 3 Pfire 9
alexk 10 jzyhk 13 Tell 1 woody 5 leslie 3 iznog. 4 Jean 3 Cawte 1 Ravnos 0
zazza 1 papln 12 ridcly 6 ddyer 12 Pekko 7 xavier 5 Dove 4 glea 1 j/ask 5
  lolo 10 frauf. 0 ponder 5 Katse 7 jaak. 9
ChBen 1 kingk 4 pand. 5 vbman 0 caotk 4
offpis. 1 aussie 6 mlnda 4 Dide 3 mtmn 2
scarab 3 Tonto 2 quicky 0 golden 1 chste 2

Last Updated on 11/12/99
By Steven
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