Fantasy Tantrix - Entrants & Scores up to Round 3

These were the scores taking into account all Main Draw matches up to the end of Round 3 and all Plate matches up to the end of Round 2 only. AlexK was in the lead on 39 points, only 6 less than the maximum possible, with Ridcully 2nd on 38 and Pekko 3rd on 37. More than half of the entrants, 18 players, were 10 points or less behind Alex. The highest placed late entrant was Jaakkola in 15th on 30 points. The main trick was to have picked the right players among those outside the top 16, ie. Mighty, Pekko or lolo and Pfire.

Entrants and scores so far (individual player scores go bold once they are knocked out completely)
View the Results after Round 1 matches only
Return to the main World Tantrix Championship page
Retourner à la page d'acceuil du Championnat Mondial de Tantrix
Pos Entrant E Tot. PDB pick1 pt pick2 pt pick3 pt pick4 pt pick5 pt pick6 pt pick7 pt pick8 pt pick9 pt
- Max. (0) 45 6 Bdot 4 crispy 4 steven 6 runes 4 Pekko 6 kingk 4 ponder 2 mighty 6 Pfire 3
- World (0) 36 6 Bdot 4 jzyhk 1 Pepe 4 runes 4 lolo 6 Joche 0 marina 2 mighty 6 Pfire 3
1st AlexK (13) 39 6 Bdot 4 jzyhk 1 Pepe 4 runes 4 lolo 6 Tonto 3 marina 2 mighty 6 Pfire 3
2nd Ridcully (1) 38 6 Bdot 4 jzyhk 1 Pepe 4 runes 4 Pekko 6 regit 2 ponder 2 mighty 6 Pfire 3
3rd Pekko (22) 37 6 mike 2 crispy 4 Pepe 4 woody 3 scoop 3 kingk 4 marina 2 mighty 6 Pfire 3
4th Zazza (12) 36 6 Bdot 4 papln 1 Pepe 4 ddyer 4 lolo 6 Joche 0 ponder 2 mighty 6 Pfire 3
5th Pepe (19) 36 6 Bdot 4 papln 1 steven 6 runes 4 scarab 3 iznog. 3 mlnda 0 mighty 6 Pfire 3
6th mikem (2) 35 6 Bdot 4 papln 1 steven 6 runes 4 lolo 6 kingk 4 pand. 0 Katse 1 Pfire 3
7th Justin (15) 35 6 mike 2 jzyhk 1 steven 6 ddyer 4 Pekko 6 regit 2 marina 2 mighty 6 mtmn 0
8th Ponder (17) 35 6 Bdot 4 jzyhk 1 ridcly 6 runes 4 Pekko 6 Joche 0 mlnda 0 mighty 6 caotk 2
9th alphabet (11) 34 6 alexk 2 jzyhk 1 Pepe 4 runes 4 lolo 6 Tonto 3 marina 2 mighty 6 jaak. 0
10th Mighty (18) 33 6 alexk 2 papln 1 Pepe 4 runes 4 Pekko 6 kingk 4 ponder 2 Katse 1 Pfire 3
11th JimT (14) 32 6 Bdot 4 papln 1 steven 6 ddyer 4 offpis. 4 xavier 3 marina 2 Cindy 2 mtmn 0
12th scoop (20) 32 6 Bdot 4 papln 1 Pepe 4 runes 4 leslie 3 kingk 4 pand. 0 mighty 6 chste 0
13th Pfire (6) 31 6 alexk 2 IrcM 1 ridcly 6 ddyer 4 Pekko 6 Joche 0 pand. 0 mighty 6 chste 0
14th Runes (4) 30 6 mike 2 papln 1 Pepe 4 ddyer 4 scoop 3 Joche 0 ponder 2 mighty 6 caotk 2
15th jaakkola (24) 30 0 alexk 2 papln 1 steven 6 runes 4 lolo 6 aussie 2 Jean 1 mighty 6 caotk 2
16th regit (5) 29 6 mike 2 jzyhk 1 Pepe 4 ddyer 4 lolo 6 xavier 3 mlnda 0 Cindy 2 darrn 1
17th VBMAN (7) 29 6 zazza 4 crispy 4 steven 6 woody 3 justin 4 aussie 2 olivier 0 golden 0 j/ask 0
18th steven2 (9) 29 6 mike 2 crispy 4 Tell 3 runes 4 lolo 6 regit 2 Jean 1 Katse 1 jaak. 0
19th Bdot (16) 29 6 mike 2 papln 1 Pepe 4 runes 4 lolo 6 iznog. 3 ponder 2 Katse 1 jaak. 0
20th jade (23) 28 6 Bdot 4 jzyhk 1 steven 6 runes 4 justin 4 regit 2 olivier 0 Katse 1 jaak. 0
21st JustAsk (10) 26 6 alexk 2 papln 1 ridcly 6 ddyer 4 scarab 3 iznog. 3 pand. 0 Dide 0 darrn 1
22nd Pandora (21) 26 6 alexk 2 jzyhk 1 Pepe 4 ddyer 4 scoop 3 aussie 2 marina 2 Dide 0 caotk 2
23rd Kasia (31) 25 0 Bdot 4 IrcM 1 steven 6 ddyer 4 leslie 3 xavier 1 marina 2 mighty 4 jaak. 0
24th leslie (8) 24 6 alexk 2 jzyhk 1 Pepe 4 JimT 2 lolo 6 aussie 2 Jean 1 glea 0 j/ask 0
25th Tonto (25) 24 0 Bdot 4 IrcM 1 Pepe 4 ddyer 4 scarab 3 aussie 2 mlnda 0 mighty 6 j/ask 0
26th Tell (3) 23 6 Bdot 4 papln 1 steven 6 woody 3 scoop 3 Joche 0 olivier 0 Dide 0 jaak. 0
27th xavier (27) 23 0 alexk 2 jzyhk 1 steven 6 runes 2 Pekko 4 regit 2 marina 2 mighty 4 jaak. 0
28th Scarab (32) 23 0 Bdot 4 jzyhk 1 steven 6 runes 2 scoop 3 iznog. 1 marina 2 mighty 4 j/ask 0
29th Ravnos (26) 21 0 alexk 2 crispy 4 ridcly 6 woody 3 scoop 3 xavier 3 pand. 0 Cawte 0 jaak. 0
30th papillon (29) 21 0 Bdot 4 IrcM 1 steven 6 ddyer 4 lolo 4 Joche 0 Dove 1 Katse 1 j/ask 0
31st didi (30) 20 0 mike 2 papln 1 steven 6 ddyer 4 leslie 3 Joche 0 Dove 1 Cindy 2 darrn 1
32nd Aussie (28) 19 0 mike 2 jzyhk 1 ridcly 4 runes 2 Pekko 4 Joche 0 Dove 1 mighty 4 Pfire 1
33rd jzyhk (33) 17 0 alexk 2 crispy 4 Pepe 2 runes 2 justin 0 aussie 0 marina 2 mighty 4 Pfire 1
Scores - 2 for main draw match win + 1 for Plate match win + bonuses for 1st-3rd overall & Plate/5th winners - see the entry page
E = Entrant Order (used to break ties)
PDB = 6 point bonus if entry sent in before the draw - to compensate for people entering later having a lot more information
The "World" entrant is a list of the most popular picks - the one with the highest seeding points if two players are equally popular
Players in each category and their SCORES so far
  mike 2 crispy 4 Pepe 4 runes 4 scoop 3 regit 2 marina 2 mighty 6 darrn 1
Bdot 4 IrcM 1 steven 6 JimT 2 justin 4 Joche 0 olivier 0 Cindy 2 Pfire 3
alexk 2 jzyhk 1 Tell 3 woody 3 leslie 3 iznog. 3 Jean 1 Cawte 0 Ravnos 1
zazza 4 papln 1 ridcly 6 ddyer 4 Pekko 6 xavier 3 Dove 1 glea 0 j/ask 0
  lolo 6 frauf. 0 ponder 2 Katse 1 jaak. 0
ChBen 1 kingk 4 pand. 0 vbman 0 caotk 2
offpis. 4 aussie 2 mlnda 0 Dide 0 mtmn 0
scarab 3 Tonto 3 quicky 0 golden 0 chste 0
Players in each category and their POPULARITY so far
  mike 8 crispy 5 Pepe 14 runes 16 scoop 6 regit 5 marina 10 mighty 18 darrn 3
Bdot 14 IrcM 4 steven 13 JimT 1 justin 3 Joche 8 olivier 3 Cindy 3 Pfire 9
alexk 10 jzyhk 12 Tell 1 woody 4 leslie 3 iznog. 4 Jean 3 Cawte 1 Ravnos 0
zazza 1 papln 12 ridcly 5 ddyer 12 Pekko 7 xavier 4 Dove 3 glea 1 j/ask 5
  lolo 10 frauf. 0 ponder 5 Katse 6 jaak. 8
ChBen 0 kingk 4 pand. 5 vbman 0 caotk 4
offpis. 1 aussie 6 mlnda 4 Dide 3 mtmn 2
scarab 3 Tonto 2 quicky 0 golden 1 chste 2

Last Updated on 11/10/99
By Steven
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