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Sun Jun 2

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The top 2 in each Ph1 group advance to the next Phase
  Group/Round 20 - STANDINGS  
after 24 of 24 games, which is 100 %
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Pos Qual Seed Nickname Name
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Location PreSPs Pld W D L P. TPs % WBQ
1st sutyi András Sutyinszki HUN (1768) 12 9 0 3 157.3  66% -4.5
2nd duHomme Ned Cutcher AUS (1708) 12 5 2 5 110.4  46% 0
zucca Tullio Zannoni SWE (1584) 12 5 0 7 109.3  46% 0
Didman Didier Eck FRA (1204) 12 3 2 7 103.0  43% 0.5

4 games against each opponent. WIN/LOSE is based on TP's INCLUDING time penalties.
[u] = U18, Surname known to us but withheld; PreSPs = Pre-tournament Seeding Points
Pld = games played, W = won, D = drawn, L = lost
P = Penalties and credits, for late, no-show & defaults.
TPs = tournament pts, % = Percentage of points won from games played.
WBQ = "Wins Before Qualifying", estimation of wins needed against current lowest qualifier to qualify ahead of them. Formula!
See below for a cross-table and the individual game results and schedule or
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CROSS-TABLE - after 24 of 24 games. Scores in TP's
(blue if won or sure to win the whole mini-match, green if a draw or at least a draw)

2004 7th World Tantrix Championship - Group/Round 20
Fixtures & Results
Traditional View    RECENT GAMES VIEW
Date:T1: Nickname Higher-seeded player C: TPs: Game score: TPs: C: Lower-seeded playerNickname T2: Review game
(click here to go to the reviewer)
Aug 25. 9 sutyi András Sutyinszki B 15.8 24-16 4.2 Y Tullio Zannoni zucca 10 T!zucca-16-sutyi-24-2004-08-25-2013
Aug 25. 7 sutyi András Sutyinszki B 13.3 19-18 6.7 Y Tullio Zannoni zucca 7 T!zucca-18-sutyi-19-2004-08-25-1932
Aug 25. 12 sutyi András Sutyinszki B 14.3 16-13 5.7 Y Tullio Zannoni zucca 11 T!sutyi-16-zucca-13-2004-08-25-1842
Aug 25. 15 sutyi András Sutyinszki R 9.0 23-23 11.0 Y Tullio Zannoni zucca 13 T!sutyi-23-zucca-23-2004-08-25-1809
Aug 16. 7 sutyi András Sutyinszki B 15.3 23-17 4.7 R Didier Eck Didman 9 T!Didman-17-sutyi-23-2004-08-16-1900
Aug 16. 10 sutyi András Sutyinszki B 13.9 18-16 6.1 R Didier Eck Didman 11 T!sutyi-18-Didman-16-2004-08-16-1836
Aug 16. 5 sutyi András Sutyinszki B 14.3 19-16 5.7 R Didier Eck Didman 10 T!sutyi-19-Didman-16-2004-08-16-1817
Aug 16. 5 sutyi András Sutyinszki B 17.7 30-12 2.3 R Didier Eck Didman 6 T!sutyi-30-Didman-12-2004-08-16-1803
Aug 15. 8 duHomme Ned Cutcher R 15.3 26-20 4.7 Y Tullio Zannoni zucca 7 T!duHomme-26-zucca-20-2004-08-15-1220
Aug 15. 6 duHomme Ned Cutcher R 6.1 26-28 13.9 Y Tullio Zannoni zucca 9 zucca-28-duHomme-26-2004-08-15-1207
Aug 15. 6 duHomme Ned Cutcher R 14.7 18-14 5.3 Y Tullio Zannoni zucca 8 T!zucca-14-duHomme-18-2004-08-15-1151
Aug 15. 4 duHomme Ned Cutcher R 2.0 16-36 18.0 Y Tullio Zannoni zucca 6 T!duHomme-16-zucca-36-2004-08-15-1131
Aug 14. 7 sutyi András Sutyinszki B 17.0 31-17 3.0 R Ned Cutcher duHomme 7 T!duHomme-17-sutyi-31-2004-08-14-1204
Aug 14. 9 sutyi András Sutyinszki B 6.7 18-19 13.3 R Ned Cutcher duHomme 8 T!sutyi-18-duHomme-19-2004-08-14-1132
Aug 14. 6 sutyi András Sutyinszki B 14.3 26-23 5.7 R Ned Cutcher duHomme 6 T!sutyi-26-duHomme-23-2004-08-14-1112
Aug 14. 14 sutyi András Sutyinszki B 5.7 19-22 14.3 R Ned Cutcher duHomme 8 T!duHomme-22-sutyi-19-2004-08-14-1049
Aug 14. 11 duHomme Ned Cutcher B 10.0 20-20 10.0 Y Didier Eck Didman 7 T!Didman-20-duHomme-20-2004-08-14-1008
Aug 14. 9 duHomme Ned Cutcher B 13.3 26-25 6.7 Y Didier Eck Didman 13 T!duHomme-26-Didman-25-2004-08-14-0942
Aug 14. 8 duHomme Ned Cutcher B 2.7 10-26 17.3 Y Didier Eck Didman 7 T!Didman-26-duHomme-10-2004-08-14-0924
Aug 14. 6 duHomme Ned Cutcher B 10.0 26-26 10.0 Y Didier Eck Didman 7 T!duHomme-26-Didman-26-2004-08-14-0905
Aug 6. 9 zucca Tullio Zannoni Y 5.0 12-17 15.0 R Didier Eck Didman 7 T!Didman-17-zucca-12-2004-08-06-2138
Aug 6. 7 zucca Tullio Zannoni Y 15.0 21-16 5.0 R Didier Eck Didman 7 T!Didman-16-zucca-21-2004-08-06-2117
Aug 6. 6 zucca Tullio Zannoni Y 16.0 25-16 4.0 R Didier Eck Didman 6 T!zucca-25-Didman-16-2004-08-06-2101
Aug 6. 7 zucca Tullio Zannoni Y 3.8 12-22 16.2 R Didier Eck Didman 6 T!Didman-22-zucca-12-2004-08-06-1938

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