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TABLE Tournament Reports
Sun Jun 2

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There have been 90584 live tournament games recorded.
Arranging Games

Time zone conversion chart for:
late March to end of October | November to late March.

The list below is arranged in ALPHABETICAL ORDER BY TANTRIX NICKNAME - for an explanation of each column see bottom of page.
Please contact your opponent(s) (clicking on their real name should start an email to them or just hold your mouse over their real name and you will see their email address near the bottom left corner of your screen) and offer possible times taking into account their time preferences, if any. COPY IN YOUR AC please! If you are in different Zones, it is best to offer times in GMT using the time zone conversion table - see the link at the top of the page.

Check their colour preferences too - if you have the same first preferences, agree whether you will use second choice colours for the whole match or whether you will each use your first preference for about half of the games - see rule 5 for full details

GMT GMT Preferences
Nick Name Location Age C1 C2 Phase 1
AC Zone +/- Until Then T1 T2 T3 Unavailable
1kornik21 Marek Reniers ITM* POL 30 G R Grp 8 S 1 Zorpolotta CEST +2 29-Oct +1 WC WD D
Allure Karolina Zajdel POL 40 Y R Grp 3 S 2 Zorpolotta CEST +2 29-Oct +1
ddyer Dave Dyer USA 64 G R Grp 7 PDT -7 05-Nov -8 B WD WA
elfborg János Fehér HUN 43 Y R Grp 4 CEST +2 29-Oct +1
Ephialtes Steven McGowan USA 29 N N Grp 2 EDT -4 05-Nov -5 WA WD
francois Francois Pacull FRA 53 N N L-w/d CEST +2 29-Oct +1
fukkike Ildikó Fűkő HUN 29 Y G Grp 6 S 4 Pellepen PDT -7 05-Nov -8 WD WA C
GOAT Troy Taylor GOAT's NOTES: I'll be at sea, I go away 23rd August, hopefully the connection onboard will be good enough but I shan't know until I get there.
GBR 24 G Y L-w/d SGT +8 No DST +8
gulu László König HUN 54 R B Grp 5 CEST +2 29-Oct +1
hbarneey Barnabás Horváth HUN 17 N N Grp 1 S 4 Pellepen CEST +2 29-Oct +1 D WD WC
hl0dk0 Tomaz Kranjechl0dk0's AWAY: 9 september to 1 october included SLO 33 Y B Grp 6 CEST +2 29-Oct +1 WD WC D 9 september to 1 october included
icebreak Angelina Baldus GER 22 B R Grp 1 S 3 hbarneey CEST +2 29-Oct +1
ILLES Illés Gábor Matócsi HUN 47 Y N Grp 6 CEST +2 29-Oct +1
jcquadrado José Carlos Quadrado POR 49 R Y Grp 4 WEST +1 29-Oct GMT WB WA A
JeeDee J D De Vries JeeDee's AWAY: 12-22 Aug. NED 46 B R Grp 3 CEST +2 01-Oct +1 D A WD 12-22 Aug.
jmn34 Jean-Marc Nelken FRA 55 R B Grp 6 S 2 Zorpolotta CEST +2 29-Oct +1 D WC
JMSC Joe Ruby USA 27 Y G Grp 7 S 2 Zorpolotta EDT -4 05-Nov -5
jobitten Britt Joramo NOR 49 G B Grp 4 S 2 Zorpolotta CEST +2 29-Oct +1 D WD WC
kameamea Rolf Schreiber kameamea's AWAY: from  August 16th to September 6th GER 52 G N Grp 6 CEST +2 29-Oct +1 D WD C from August 16th to September 6th
koolkat Kerry Langdon NZL 51 B Y Grp 8 NZDT +12 01-Oct +13
lalala Francoise Biscara lalala's AWAY: 6-17aug, 23 oct-5 nov FRA 59 B R Grp 5 S 3 hbarneey CEST +2 29-Oct +1 6-17aug, 23 oct-5 nov
leslie László Harsányi HUN 54 B R Grp 3 S 1 Zorpolotta CEST +2 29-Oct +1 WB WC D
Letike Letícia Lengyel HUN 18 Y B Grp 2 S 4 Pellepen CEST +2 29-Oct +1
Lorene Laurence Pacull FRA 54 G B L-w/d CEST +2 29-Oct +1
Luigi Lewis Palmer SWE 53 Y B Auto S 3 hbarneey CEST +2 29-Oct +1
Luvan Michael Lundquist SWE 49 R Y Grp 2 CEST +2 29-Oct +1 D WD WB
lytnin David Kenny lytnin's AWAY: 6-8 October AUS 48 B Y Grp 5 S 1 Zorpolotta AEDT +10 07-Jan +11 B WB WC 6-8 October
macoy Lance Trueman NZL 32 Y R Grp 8 NZDT +12 01-Oct +13
metallor Hamish Watt JPN 32 Y G Grp 1 S 4 Pellepen KST +9 No DST +9
mikellos Miklós Hansel HUN 47 R B Grp 3 CEST +2 29-Oct +1 D WB WD
mikem Mike McManaway ITMmikem's AWAY: 15th - 30th sept. NZL 56 R Y Grp 6 S 2 Zorpolotta CET +1 No DST +1 15th - 30th sept.
MITantrix Melinda Szabo MITantrix's AWAY: 22-27 Aug USA 20 B R Grp 4 S 1 Zorpolotta EDT -4 05-Nov -5 A WC 22-27 Aug
Nica Monica Palmer SWE 52 Y R Grp 7 S 1 Zorpolotta CEST +2 29-Oct +1 D C WD
Nightboy Andreas Freyland Nightboy's AWAY: 29. Sept - 03 Oct, 23 Oct - 07. Nov, GER 54 R B Grp 5 CEST +2 29-Oct +1 29. Sept - 03 Oct, 23 Oct - 07. Nov,
NiklasA Niklas Andersson TTM SWE 27 B R Auto S 4 Pellepen CEST +2 29-Oct +1 D WD WC
padam Ádám Petrecz HUN 24 B Y Grp 2 S 1 Zorpolotta CEST +2 29-Oct +1 D
pam1248 Anne-Pamela Koczwara GER 56 G N Grp 1 CEST +2 29-Oct +1 D WD
Pellepen Lennart Aspelin SWE 54 N N Grp 7 S 1 Zorpolotta CEST +2 29-Oct +1 D WD WC
perelo Pere López perelo's AWAY: 12-22 August ESP 52 Y R Grp 5 S 3 hbarneey CEST +2 29-Oct +1 12-22 August
phildnarud Philippe Durand FRA 57 R B Grp 2 CEST +2 29-Oct +1 A WA WD
pimboli Eveline Fischer SUI 54 R Y Grp 1 CEST +2 29-Oct +1 D
Pizsi Viktor Fehér Pizsi's AWAY: 5-17 Aug HUN 28 G N Grp 1 CEST +2 29-Oct +1 5-17 Aug
rega Gábor Rédei HUN 26 Y N Grp 7 CEST +2 29-Oct +1 D
richard14 Richard Knese richard14's AWAY: 13-25 Aug GER 52 B G Grp 3 CEST +2 29-Oct +1 WC D WD 13-25 Aug
samdavyson Sam Davyson SUI 28 Y R Grp 5 CEST +2 29-Oct +1
shadow88 Matthew Ashton NZL 19 R B Grp 8 S 4 Pellepen NZDT +12 01-Oct +13 WA WB B
shunter Simon Wright ITM GBR 28 R B Auto S 3 hbarneey BST +1 29-Oct GMT D WC WD
skweeki Rob Morton ITM* GBR 37 G Y Auto S 2 Zorpolotta BST +1 29-Oct GMT
Syagrius Vincent Auger FRA 53 N N Grp 8 CEST +2 29-Oct +1 C D WD
tacet Kenyon Wilson USA 47 G N Grp 6 EDT -4 05-Nov -5 A WD WA
TedEBare Peter Clay AUS 32 Y B Grp 8 S 4 Pellepen AEDT +10 01-Oct +11 WB C WC
tolyas Gábor Chikán HUN 42 G Y Grp 4 S 3 hbarneey CEST +2 29-Oct +1 D WD
tommg Tamás Gombkötő TGM* HUN 28 G Y Auto S 1 Zorpolotta CEST +2 29-Oct +1 D WC WC
tsannon Fernando Nonnast ESP 60 R Y Grp 7 S 2 Zorpolotta CEST +2 29-Oct +1
Typo Neil Jenner TGM GBR 33 Y R Auto S 2 Zorpolotta BST +1 29-Oct GMT D WB
ve6neo Neil O ve6neo's AWAY: 6-14 Aug CAN 39 R N Grp 7 MDT -6 05-Nov -7 A WD WA 6-14 Aug
Vercsi Veronika Bacsik HUN 45 Y R Grp 8 CEST +2 29-Oct +1 D C WD
wassolls Roger Zimmermann SUI 52 G N Grp 4 CEST +2 29-Oct +1 D
xylotuba Iris Gil ESP 29 Y G Grp 3 S 3 hbarneey CEST +2 29-Oct +1
yare Michael Baer USA 51 G B Grp 2 S 3 hbarneey EDT -4 05-Nov -5
Zorpolotta Jason Oliver ITM* NZL 28 B Y Auto S 4 Pellepen EDT -4 05-Nov -5 WD D WC

Nick = Nickname in the Tantrix lobby
Name = Player's real name (click it to start an email with their address in the "To" field) plus their tournament master title if any
- to check the email address, please put your mouse cursor on the name and look at the bottom left of your screen
- [u] = full surname has been withheld (an option offered to players aged under 18 when full surnames have been supplied to us)
Location = Country/State and flag
Zone = the player's time zone - these codes are used on the time zone conversion table
C1/C2 = first and second preference Tantrix colours
GMT Now = hours ahead of GMT before the "Until" date - to add, correct or change please go to
Until = hours ahead of GMT after the "Until" date
T1, T2, T3 = time preferences - to add, correct or change please go to
- W = Weekends,
- A = 2200-0400GMT,
- B = 0400-1000GMT,
- C = 1000-1600GMT,
- D = 1600-2200GMT
Unavailable = Dates this player will be away

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