Tantrix Tournaments : RULES
Please click on one of the links below to see the tournament rules, covering issues like tournament scoring, time limits, disconnections, defaults, arranging times to play and so on.
Tantrix online tournament rules
Simplified summary of the tournament rules
French, German, Hungarian, Polish and Chinese rules can be found below - these are a very good guide if English is not your first language but rules 2, 7 and 8 may be slightly out of date in these versions and where there are differences, the full rules in English take precedence.
Rčglement des tournois

Tantrixregeln für Onlineturniere

A bajnokságok általános szabályai
Zasady gry w turniejach

Tantrix 探索遊戲線上錦標賽規則
Special rules for specific tournament types:
Special TEAM tournament rules
Tantrix TABLE tournament rules
Email for online tournaments : tournaments@tantrix.co.uk
The date and time are :
Thursday, 06-Feb-2025 22:35:53 GMT
Thursday, 06-Feb-2025 22:35:53 GMT (local)
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